Stop and smell the roses January 11, 2013

282895_557866810910186_1696877171_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Happy Friday friends. Ferris Bueller was right in 1986, when he said ” Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it ” I guess this is what they mean when they say ” Stop and smell the roses “. [/pullquote]

Prayers for Scrappy January 10, 2013

580636_557631204267080_2044664922_n-1Goodnight Dear Friends. We are closing in on the weekend and we have begun 2013, hopeful and praying for change. All living things want and deserve the same thing, peace, safety and love. We hope this year brings us all closer to a different world, where kindness is king and the cold hearted are not welcome. A world with a newfound respect for all life. We would like to send prayers out tonight for little ” Scrappy”, a rescued dog found a few years back, who quickly became a beloved member of a family. Her loving Owner/Mom, found her sick and neglected and has done everything to help Scrappy to recover. Because of this Scrappy has been living a very happy life surrounded by those that adore her. She has had multiple surgeries to try to fix her torn salivary glands, with no success and has now begun to have seizures. She has come a long way, and finally has the life that she always deserved. We ask that she is healed, pain free and able to live her life without sickness. We pray for her strength and the strength of her family. Special love and prayers sent out tonight for a little angel named “Daisy”, who has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. Daisy is deeply loved and missed by her family, who were faced with the most painful of times today, saying goodbye to their best friend. God Bless them and God Bless Daisy. And for “Snickers”, another angel who passed over today. Snickers was a 12 year old Pomeranian whose life was lost from complications that arose during surgery. The family is heartbroken and in shock because it was unexpected and Snickers had so much more life to live. We are sending our love out to all of them, at this very difficult time. And to ALL of the animals, from all over this world, abused, abandoned, chained, caged, neglected or exploited and killed for meaningless sporting events…..You are not alone. We pray for you tonight, as we do every night, without tiring. No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Love, Sammy & Family

Shout out to Saniya January 10, 2012

553301_557519447611589_606654980_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Good afternoon animal lovers. A big shout Out for Sammy’s great friend Saniya, from Kazakhstan. Picture was taken over the summer. Just another example of ” Smile more and make more friends ” ———- Dr. Harp Seal ——–][/pullquote]

Peace January 10, 2013

541006_557385424291658_332390647_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] ” Give Peace A Chance ” ——— John Lennon ———

Happy Thursday friends [[/pullquote]

Prayers for those in need of a home January 9, 2013

13824_557177557645778_2127494681_nGoodnight Dear Friends. We hope this evening finds you well and that you are somewhere smiling and relaxing. It’s very cold out there. The weather is so unpredictable this time of year, so some nights are colder than others. We pray for all those in need of a home, a warm place to sleep and safety. Wether it be animals or people, we all deserve to be cherished and to call someplace “Home”. God Bless those that feel forgotten, the abandoned animals, the broken hearted and the beaten. God did not bring any of his beings here to suffer.God watches over his angels, always. Special Prayers going out tonight for our friend Ace. Ace is a beautiful Horse who is a beloved member of a happy family. He suffers from an illness that is comparative to MS in people, called EPM. He is 8 years old and has been fighting this condition since he was only 2. EPM is very painful and eventually causes paralysis on it’s victims. But Ace is from a family of fighters and he has given this his best fight. There is nothing that this angel has not endured, but the result of the treatment, was not what was hoped for. Ace has been responding less and less. We pray for the strength of his family and for Ace to be granted a miracle, so that he can be free of pain and struggle. More prayers going out tonight for our friend, 18yr old , Hammond, who left on his way to Rainbow Bridge today. He will be deeply missed and was very much loved. He has been granted his angel wings and is young again. God Bless you, Hammond.Prayers going out as well, for 15 year old , Ebony the cat. Ebony’s health has been declining and her loved ones are faced with the very painful decision of whether or not to help her on her way to the other side, and set her free from her pain. Her family loves her purely and fully, and are taking it minute by minute. The ultimate decision will be made, according to what is best for Ebony. And to all of the animals, abused, abandoned and neglected: You are not alone. We are with you. No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Love, Sammy and Family

Shout out to Diane and Maren January 9, 2012

530581_556902377673296_845511280_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Good morning. A big Shout Out to Diane and her daughter Maren from CA. It was a real treat for Sammy meeting your family. Thank you for the toys and handmade blanket. Sammy & Henry are loving it all. That was real nice of you guys. Happy Wednesday friends. [/pullquote]

Prayers for Brian January 7, 2013

68631_556174807746053_916081668_nHello there. Hope everyone had a nice day. We start out by praying for our friend Brian who has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer, and begins treatment tomorrow. Brian is very loved by his friends, and has done a great deal for Dogs with respect to rescue & care. We are pulling for this person, we ask for a very quick road to recovery. To our friends out of Illinois, whose dog ran off while at the vets, we pray you find this angel quickly. We will keep Tank in our thoughts. Let’s go onto to pray for a Cat named Baker who was just recently put down, may she rest in peace. We will pray for Karen’s family who had to put their dog Kasey down today. May Kasey rest in peace. We go and pray for a 4 month old Pit Bull named Macgyver, from Milwaukee. This dog was stolen right from the owner as she was walking him on Christmas Eve. We pray this dog is found and justice is brought to these people. You all know our feelings about Pit Bulls on this page, they truly have been through enough, just enough already. Lets continue to pray for my sister’s dog Weezer please. As always we pray for all animals being abused or neglected, we remind them, they are not alone, we stand with them. Their lives are very important to us. No lives will go in Vain, no Pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.

Prayers for Weezer and Leah Miller January 6, 2013

185790_555664817797052_675219368_nHello friends. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Many prayers going out tonight. Let’s start out praying for my sister’s dog Weezer, who is 21 years old and in a very bad state. Hard decisions may have to made, we will see. We continue to pray for that 9 month old Pom who was hit by a car the other day, there has been some progress, but quality of life is still uncertain. We ask for a full bounce back to normalcy for this little soldier. Want to send out prayers to our good friend Sammie the Service dog’s human mother; she is having some respiratory issues, we pray for an immediate restoration of health. We also pray for our Friend Leah Miller, she has a tremendous amount of pain throughout her body for a series of reason, we ask she sees relief immediately. Keep us post Leah. As always we pray for all animals being mistreated or neglected, we remind them, they are not alone. There lives mean a great deal to us. We would also like to thank everyone for their assistance in finding the German Sheppard Sam a home. We believe we found a great home for her in Florida. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.

Doggie of the day January 6, 2013

206213_445227392210786_1630125049_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]
These are our friends over at Doggie Of The Day, They run great contests, and each day feature a Doggie Of The Day. Take a gander when you have a moment. :)
Would you like to see YOUR dog featured at the top of our page?? We have 9 photos slots at the top of our page for images. If you would like your dog to be featured in one of these spots, post the BEST photos you have & add “We want to be featured on the DOTD fan page” in your post! Good Luck and can’t wait to see some awesome pics! [/pullquote]