Prayers for Venus and Toby Tom July 24, 2013

993955_656326457730887_58095798_nGoodnight friends and family. We are half way to our weekend and the weather is cooling off a bit. It’s still hot out there though, especially for our four legged companions. Be careful. Always keep in mind that they are wearing “fur coats,” at all times. Keep them hydrated and keep them cool.

I’ve been in NY now for a while. The kids and I started out in a hotel in NYC and we are now pretty far out on Long Island at another hotel. We’ve been looking for a place to call home but it hasn’t been as easy as I thought. It’s been hard living in such a small space with the kids and not having our belongings or a place to plant roots.

It’s physically and emotionally taxing on my own with the kids, especially now that we are living out of suitcases. I have to say though that in the time that we’ve been here, I have seen and encountered random acts of kindness toward myself and my children, even from some people that we’ve never even met before. It’s always comforting to know that there is still kindness in this world. Most people can see a person struggling and just pass them by without even a second thought. It’s easy to become cynical when you experience the latter. This is why acts of kindness mean so much.

It is at the hardest times in your life that you find out who really cares about you in this world. Those that open their arms to you when you have nothing to offer in return are the people who are worth keeping in your life when you do have something to offer in return.

No matter what the behavior of those around you always remain true to what you know is right. Never let the behavior of others change your behavior. You cannot be responsible for the choices and the actions of another. You can only be responsible for yourself. Always do the right thing no matter what. Always act with compassion and gentleness of heart. You can never know how much that kindness means to another in need.

Prayers are going out tonight for one of our dearest friends, Venus and her little Pomeranian, Toby Tom. Venus only recently lost her little Pom, Milo. She has been suffering a great deal without him and has been nursing a very badly broken heart. Venus adored Milo, and she feels the same way about her Toby Tom. Just recently, Toby stopped eating and is sleeping a lot. Naturally Venus is extremely concerned and took Toby to the Veterinary hospital today for a full check up. The Vet told Venus that Toby is in Renal failure and has to stay overnight to have IV fluids etc. They told her that her Toby may not make it.

Venus feels destroyed tonight . It took all of her strength, just to walk out of the office without her Toby, but she knows that this is what must be done, to try and save her little boy. Tonight Little Toby needs our strongest prayers. Please heal this little angel, Dear God. Please bring Toby and Venus a miracle and restore Toby to his optimal health. Dear God comfort Venus, as she has suffered too much already. These dogs are her children, and she just lost one of them, only very recently. Please spare Toby and let him live and come home to Venus again. Dear God, please send loving energy and healing to our very special friends.

Please remember friends that small changes in our own lifestyles can save the lives of millions of innocent animals. Small sacrifices in our diet and our wardrobe can mean the difference of life or death to so many angels. Lets do our best to save as many animals as we can.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen.

Love from,
Jessica Lee Smith,
For Sammy & Family

Our movie July 24, 2013

532511_655904327773100_766386317_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Good morning. Sammy & Family is producing a movie about two brothers. It will cost approximately 900 Million dollars. We are years away from finishing it, like maybe never. In the meantime here is a Video Preview. PLEASE CLICK LINK BELOW AND GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK. [/pullquote]

Prayers for Princess Diana July 23, 2013

Goodnight everyone. We hope that you had a pleasant day and that you have all arrived home safely to your destinations. It’s hard to believe that we are half way through the summer. It’s still very hot out there, so please keep yourself and your pets hydrated and cool. Congratulations to the Duke and the Duchess of Cambridge, William and Katherine, on the birth of their brand new baby boy. It’s always a beautiful thing, seeing two people so in love in such a sacred moment in their lives. The birth of a child carries with it such hope and represents new beginnings in the lives of the baby’s parents. Our prayers go out tonight for the People’s Princess, Diana. We send congratulations to Princess Diana who is surely smiling down from heaven over the birth of her first Grandson.
Diana has not been forgotten. It is very obvious that her kindness and compassion for others has been passed down to her children. Even in her short life, she made an impact on this world for the better and has changed the royal family forever. We know how proud she is today. We send her love and want her to know that she is always in our hearts. She will always be the people’s Princess.Our prayers continue to go out for the millions of innocent animals, all across this world, being tortured, murdered, used as bait for “sport”, hunted, neglected and abandoned. This is not the way that God’s most precious creatures were meant to live. This is not the way they were meant to be treated. These beautiful and defenseless beings are meant to be treasured.

This genocide of animals that continues every day is such a horrific and senseless fate for these angels on earth. This shows us a complete void of empathy or compassion on the part of those inflicting this suffering. It’s hard to imagine these human beings being able to sleep at night. This is why we pray for a return toward humanity. Where is the heart? Where is the conscience of these offenders? Such cruelty can only be carried out by the blackest of hearts.

Small tweaks in our lives can make substantial differences in theirs including life or death.

Have no doubt that God sees all things and watches very carefully over how his angels are treated.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen.

Love from,
Jessica Lee Smith,
For Sammy & Family

Henry is really coming around July 23, 2013

425239_655272511169615_462773427_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Good morning. I’m teaching Henry how to look directly in the camera. He’s really coming around. We are all special in our own way. Its an honor being Henry’s brother. Plus, to be frank, I like bossing him around. Happy Tuesday. [/pullquote]

Prayers for the elderly pets July 21, 2013

1075680_654215911275275_737897582_nGoodnight dear ones. We hope that you enjoyed your weekend and made some new and unforgettable memories with your friends and family. Family doesn’t always have to be “blood.” Family can be anyone that has built a home in your heart. Being animal lovers, I think that we all understand this. Our pets are our family also.

I want to say a special prayer for the elderly pets out there. There are too many loving and devoted companions that have been discarded and need homes. These precious animals sit in shelters watching people pass them by, only to take home puppies or very young dogs. This has to be such a painful and hopeless feeling for them. Day after day, night after night, in a cage. In most cases, these angels are euthanized because they are considered “less adoptable.” What a devastating thought for these poor babies. They deserve love too. They need it and they are counting on us. We pray for these broken hearted animals. We pray that more people step up to adopt them.

It seems that we need more love for the elderly in general, not just animals, but also people. I’ve seen so many cases of a total disregard of the elderly. Never forget that the elderly were once the ones taking care of us when we couldn’t care for ourselves. Why not do the same for them when they come to need us in return? It is the right thing to do. It is with gratitude that we should do this.

We can learn so much from the elderly. We can learn wisdom that is truly priceless. When a living being feels forgotten, discarded and dismissed it can do more than break their heart, it can kill them. Not one soul, should ever be made to feel this way. Without hope there is no life, so value and treasure the elderly. These are the veterans of life. God bless them and watch over them always.

Special prayers being sent out tonight for our very special friend, Maryann and her precious baby girl “AJ”. AJ wasn’t eating very well last week after she was diagnosed with Bronchitis. She was also vomiting, which Maryann thought may have been from the antibiotics. She was admitted to the hospital after Maryann noticed what looked like blood in her urine. Thank God, the vet confirmed that it was not blood but the levels on her kidneys were off and her blood pressure was elevated. She had to stay in the hospital for treatment. Needless to say, Maryann was understandably worried.

We are so happy to hear that after the IV treatment, AJ was able to come home today. Her numbers have come back to “her” normal levels again. She was also given a new heart medicine but her appetite is coming back slowly. She is now happily resting with her other four legged brothers and sisters. God bless AJ. We pray that she is restored to perfect health. We pray for Maryann as well, because we know how scary it is when your little one is sick. We love you Maryann . Sending love and healing thoughts, for you and AJ.

Please remember, small changes in our own lifestyles, can mean the difference between life and death, to soo many of these precious angels. Lets do our very best, to save as many lives as we can.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen.

Love from,
Jessica Lee Smith,
For Sammy & Family

Prayers for victims of intolerance and prejudice July 20, 2013

946618_653575974672602_841856246_nGood evening dear friends and family. It is a scorcher out there. We hope that everyone is enjoying their weekend, despite this unbelievable heat wave. Another reminder, please keep yourself and your pets, cool and hydrated at all times. Make sure your pets have fresh, cold water and NEVER EVER leave your pet, or your child in a hot car. It can be deadly. There are too many innocents that have suffered and died this way. Never take that chance. Their lives mean to much.

Prayers going out tonight for all living beings, being victimized by intolerance and prejudice. It’s important to recognize that no matter where you are, no matter what your background, no matter what the color of your skin or who you love, we are all created equally in the eyes of God. No one is any more or any less, than another.

Each soul on this earth, has a purpose and a reason for being here. Each living being should be treated with kindness and compassion. All living things should be approached with an open heart and a gentle hand, always. We are all just souls, traveling through this life within the shell of our bodies. We are at our most beautiful, when we are being kind. As long as we live our lives giving love and teaching love, than we are doing what God wants of us. If we live our lives with integrity and honor, than we have lived well, and our legacy will live on, long after we are gone. Always remember that when this lifetime ends for each of us, and we stand before an all loving God, we cannot show him anything other than our hearts.

Everyday we see more and more stories of animal abuse and torture. These defenseless angels are suffering the likes of which, we cannot even comprehend. Everyday these precious beings are being hunted, used as bait for “Sport”, euthanized, abandoned, abused, caged and neglected. Such cruelty inflicted on the innocent and the defenseless, is incomprehensible and MUST be stopped. We pray for an end to this treatment of Gods most priceless creatures. Have no doubt that each one of these lives will be accounted for when we meet our maker.

Prayers going out tonight for our friend “Peanut” and his family. Peanut was a seventeen year old toy poodle, that was deeply loved and brought so much joy, to those closest to him. Peanut suffered from a heart murmur and with help from his loved ones, crossed over the rainbow bridge, just yesterday. Fly high little one, with your new wings. We pray for Peanut and his family, at this very difficult time. God bless you little boy.

More heart felt prayers are being sent out for our dear friend, Linda and her precious poodle “Brandy”. Brandy crossed over to the other side on June 30th and is now happily playing and young again, in the fields of heaven. Brandy was 13 yrs old. She is deeply missed and forever loved. Our hearts go out to Linda, as we send her love and support. God Bless Brandy.

These animals are gifts to us, given by God himself. They are sent to teach us what it feels like to have unconditional love and devotion. They are gifts meant to be treasured by us. May all people treat them as such. After all, an angel deserve no less.

Small tweaks in our lives can make make substantial difference’s in their’s, including life or death. Try Portabella mushroom burgers or Portabella mushroom steaks, they’re delicious. SOY dogs instead of hot dogs, they taste great also. I honestly think they taste better, not to mention even a better reason; that would subtract so much suffering in this life. Small tweaks, they are worth it.

No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Goodnight everybody.

Love from,
Jessica Lee Smith,
For Sammy & Family

Prayers for Schoep the dog July 19, 2013

33862_653018901394976_128859379_nHi animal lovers. We are going to say goodnight a little early. It is brutal out there, wow it’s hot. Just got home and want chill from this week.

Let’s start out praying for Schoep the dog who passed away yesterday. He was 20 years old, he was from the Facebook Page of Schoep and John. This bond that John, his owner, & Schoep had exemplified where the expression; ” Dog’s are Man’s best Friend ” comes from. We praying for John as well, very tough loss, this was a special relationship. Thank you to John for showing the world how to treat a dog/pet or any animal for that matter.

Let’s pray for our friend Paul & her daughter’s dog Sprout. She is a 10 year old Brrussels Griffon. Sprout was in ICU past couple of days, spent her first night home last night and is still very weak. We ask for an immediate recovery. This dog has more life to her. We will keep Sprout and the Family in our thoughts. keep us up please Paula.

Friends, please keep those pets as comfortable as we like to be, water and a cool room to rest.

To all animals out there doing the best they can, struggling very hard, we ask that things are made peaceful for you right now. You all deserve better paths.

To all our animals friends deliberately being put in harms way by people, Sammy & Family can think of no worse abuse. Innocent creatures depending on people who torment them, man that hurts.

No lives will go in Vain, no pain will go unnoticed.

Remember, small tweaks in our lives, make substantial differences in their’s, and yes they are worth it.

Amen. Love Sammy & Family