Thoughts & Prayers for animals of The Gadhimai Festival in Nepal

Thoughts & Prayers on the Gadhimai Festival in Nepal

Good evening friends. Hope everyone had a nice day today.

Tonight i would like to write about the Gadhimai Festival in Nepal. I read some reports that it started on November 28th, and has now ended. I read other reports it goes on for a month.

With that said, the Gadhimai Festival is the world’s largest ritual Slaughter of animals. The 2014 ritual has estimates of up to 500,000 animals to be sacrificed. This festival makes the word “barbaric” seem nice. Sammy & family will spare the details we have read about, only to say this is “Hell on Earth” for these animals. — No sugar coating this one.

Approximately five million people attend the festival and tens of thousands of people do the slaughtering. Buffalo’s, goats, roosters, and i believe some cows. India is one of the major suppliers of animals to be slaughtered.

Activists have gone to courts in Nepal and India to halt the sacrifices but to no avail, last month the Nepal’s Supreme Court did not stop the animal sacrifices but ruled that existing laws have to be followed. Translation, zero comfort to any of the slain animals.

The animals not only suffer at the festival but the they are also transported over long distances on foot. “By the time they get to the festival venue they are half dead,” says Shah from a CNN report. “They are kept two or three days without food after they are brought here.” Nepalese authorities are reluctant to stop it as they said the festival has something to do with culture.

So my friends, you get the picture here. Once again a nation hides behind the word “Culture”

Let me remind the people of Nepal and India, and any other country involved in this; There was a time people thought it was OK to exterminate Jews, rape and pillage Blacks during slavery, slaughter American Indians, commit Genocide in Rwanda, and so on and so on. This Festival is just as evil as the events just listed. And just like the events listed were Not OK as we recall history, this Gadhimai Festival In Nepal is definitely NOT OK.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Each Animal that was sacrificed meant something to the world. Shame on you Nepal and India.

Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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Thoughts & Prayers on December 2nd, 2014

If you prefer to read the Post, here you go;

Good evening friends. Dr. Harp Seal. Thank you for stopping by.

So i want just want to give everyone a heads up that tomorrow night Sammy & Family is going to talk about The Gadhimai Festival in Nepal. This festival is the worlds biggest ritual slaughter of animals. I have read about it before, but just want to shine some more light on it. I won’t get into graphic details or anything like that.

The following Wednesday We are going to talk more on the Dog and Cat Meat Trade throughout Asia. Alot of our friends have said its very upsetting hearing about these events, so what im going to do is only cover the hard stuff on Wednesday nights. I will always do it as tasteufllyu as i can desite the horrors these animals are faciing all over the world. As for the other nights, i will keep it more focused on Thoughts & Prayers as we usually do.

Let me end with this; we are wating to hear more details on Delilah’s health staus out of Asutraili. I will keep everybody informed on that.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.