Good evening friends.
Hope everyone had a nice Wednesday. Its funny, with the nice weather my boys are breathing better, not sure if that’s in my head, but it appears to be the case.
I just want to say that Vanessa, Raquel, Myriam and their dad are some of the best people I’ve ever met. I will never forget how this family has backed me up from several years ago until this present day.
I remember i was going to walk away from the Sammy Community after what was taken from Jessica and I in the last project. I was in complete disgust and shock. Had Jessica not convinced me to stay with the project knowing it was a major passion of mine, i was throwing in the towel. With that said, it was not easy working together. Jess has four kids and i have 3 dogs, two completely different lives and very little in common.
That is where Vanessa and Raquel came in. The behind the scenes work these two have done allowed me to keep driving ELS and Dr. Harp Seal down the field.
When I think if Jess didn’t force me back to the project, and if Vanessa and Raquel didn’t do all they did, I probably would’ve never met all of you from all over the world. And that my friends, would’ve been my loss, big time.
As i I look back on all that was taken from Jess and I, and how i almost lost Sammy, I can’t begin to tell you how grateful i am to have come this far with all of you.
Signing off from Puerto Rico. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.