Tonight Molly will Lead us Out

Prayers for Molly, get well soon

Good evening friends.

Tonight Molly will lead us out.  She is a member our of friend Bessie Stephens & family.

Molly is a 12 year old rat terrier whom Bessie has had since she was four weeks old.  She has survived heart worm disease.  Now she is very sick.  She is currently at the vets getting some kind of IV drip.  She has Been stumbling and sometimes falling.  The blood work showed some kind of liver count that was ten times higher than what it should be.

As of this morning Molly is still on a saline drip and they want to keep her overnight again.  Let’s keep Molly and Bessie in our prayers.  It’s hard to hear and see of things for any of us.  Bessie keep us posted please.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed.  Amen.  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & family.

Why do a Movie Rewrite ? Scott Smith

For one reason amongst many its better for the economy. If U come out of a movie upset, U are less inclined to go for a fun dinner, shop or socialize. That same sadness can seep into Ur personal & work life. No thanks, I’ll take Happy

What is a Movie Rewrite

A movie rewrite is when we take the sad ending of a great movie and we rewrite it. We usually add a few concepts to the story in order to bridge the new ending.

If a movie would still be great, let the people leave happy.

What is The Good News Channel ?

The Good News Channel is comprised of Positive featured stories of people all over the world doing great stuff, and a Scrolling News Wire Ticker of positive news. A wheel of positivity if you will. #TheNewsComesFromAllofUs

Scott Smith