The point I’m trying to make with my story is that even though the world is horrible in so many ways, there are plenty of genuinely great people and great things about life. It’s so hard and it gets very frustrating just trying so, but do not give up. Not everyone in this world is hateful and not everything is scary and depressing. I’ve also got a lengthy list of international suicide-prevention hotlines listed below, arranged in alphabetical order (after my sign-off). I’m not 100% sure about whether or not people in
Guam, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, and the US Virgin Islands are covered by the US numbers, with the exception of the Your Life,
Your Voice number listed below; If you do not see certain countries listed below, the
designated official international hotline for suicide prevention is 800 5555 5522 (every country is covered by this number).
Life actually does get better. It might not be in the near-future, but it will actually get better.
You can and will get stronger. You are respected, you are cared for, and you are loved. Please do not ever forget that.
Signing Off From California,
David Shane Ligon
Albania: 127
Algeria: 0021 3983 2000 58
Argentina: (54-11) 4758-2554
Armenia (1): 2-538-194
Armenia (2): 2-538-197
Australia (1): 13 11 14
Australia (2): 1800-55-1800
Austria: 142
Azerbaijan (youth): 510-66-36
The Bahamas (1): 328-0922
The Bahamas (2): 322-4999
The Bahamas (3): 322-2763
Bahrain (1): 0097 161 199 188
Bahrain (2): 0097 161 199 260
Bahrain (3): 0097 161 199 191
Bahrain (4): 0097 161 199 334
Bangladesh (1): 8801779554391
Bangladesh (2): 8801688709966
Bangladesh (3): 8801985275286
Barbados: (246) 4299999
Belgium (1): 106
Belgium (2): 0800 32 123
Belgium (3, youth): 102
Belgium (4): 1813
Botswana: 3911270
Brazil: +55 51 211 2888
Canada (1): 1-800-273-8255
Canada (2) – Greater Vancouver: 604-872-3311
Canada (3) – Toll free-Howe Sound/Sunshine Coast: 18666613311
Canada (4) – TTY: 1-866-872-0113
Canada (5) – BC-wide: 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
Chile (1): 22-10-10
Chile (2): 21-01-43
China (1): 0800-810-1117
China (2, Mobile/IP/extension users): 010-8295-1332
Costa Rica: 506-253-5439
Croatia: (01) 4833-888
Cuba: 532-348-14-49
Cyprus: +357 77 77 72 67
Czech Republic (1): 222-580-697
Czech Republic (2): 476-701-908
Denmark: +45 70 201 201
Egypt (1): 762-1602/3
Egypt (2): 762-2381
Estonia (1): 126
Estonia (2): 127
Estonia (3): 646 6666
Fiji (1): 679 670565
Fiji (2): 679 674364
Finland (1): 01019-0071
Finland (2): 09-731391
Finland (3): 040-5032199
France (1): (+33) (0)9 51 11 61 30
France (2): 01-45-39-4000
France (3): 01-46-21-4646
Germany (1): 0800 1110 111
Germany (2): 0800 1110 222
Germany (3, youth): 0800 1110 333
Ghana: 233 244 846 701
Greece (1): (0) 30 210 34 17 164
Greece (2): 1018
Honduras: 504-237-3623
Hong Kong: 852-23820000
Hungary: (46) 323 888
Iceland: (+354) 1717
India (1): 2549 7777
India (2): +91 33 2474 4704
India (3): +91 33 2474 5886
India (4): 2474 5255
Indonesia: 500-454
Iran: 1480
Ireland (1): +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90
Ireland (2): +44 (0) 8457 90 91 92
Ireland (3): 1850 60 90 90
Ireland (4): 1850 60 90 91
Israel (1): 1201
Israel (2; calls from abroad 1): 972-9-8891333
Israel (3; calls from abroad 2): 972-76-8844400
Italy (1): 199 284 284
Italy (2): 800-86-00-22
Jamaica (1): 1-888-991-4505
Jamaica (2): 977-5754
Japan (1): 03 5774 0992
Japan (2): 03 3498 0231
Kenya: +254 20 3000378/2051323
Latvia (1): 6722-2922
Latvia (2): 2772-2292
Liberia: 06534308
Liechtenstein: 147
Lithuania: 8-800 2 8888
Luxembourg (in German): 45-45-45
Malaysia (1): (063) 92850039
Malaysia (2): (063) 92850279
Malaysia (3): (063) 92850049
Malta: 179
Mauritius: (230) 800 93 93
Mexico: 525-510-2550
Morocco (1): +212 (5) 22 87 47 40
Morocco (2): +212 (6) 62 58 95 70
Namibia: (09264) 61-232-221
Netherlands: 0900-0767
New Zealand (1): (09) 522 2999
New Zealand (2): 0800 111 777
Nigeria (1): +234 806 210 6493
Nigeria (2): 07050591082
Norway: +47 815 33 300
Papua New Guinea: 675 326 0011
Peru: (00 51 1) 273 8026
Philippines (1): 02-8969191
Philippines (2): 0917 854 9191
Poland (1): +48 527 00 00
Poland (2): +48 89 92 88
Portugal (1): (808) 200 204
Portugal (2): +351 225 50 60 70
Romania: 0800 801 200
Russia (1): 8202-22-82-10
Russia (2): 8202-577-577
Samoa: 32000
Serbia: 32000
Singapore: 1800-221-4444
South Africa (1): 0861 322 322
South Africa (2): 051-444-5000
South Korea (1): 2-715/6/7/8-8600
South Korea (2): 2-715/6/7/8-8600
Spain (1): 91-459-00-50
Spain (2): 902500002
Sri Lanka: 1-692-909
Sweden (1): 020 22 00 60
Sweden (2): 020 22 00 70
Switzerland (1): 143
Switzerland (2): +41 (0) 27 321 21 21
Taiwan (1): 037-332565
Taiwan (2): 037-332621
Thailand: (02) 713-6793
Trinidad & Tobago: 868-645-2800
Turkey: 182
Ukraine: 058
United Kingdom (1): 08457 909090
United Kingdom (2): +44 1603 611311
United Kingdom (3): +44 (0) 8457 90 91 92
United Kingdom (4): 1850 60 90 90
United Kingdom (5): 1850 60 90 91
United States of America (1): 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
United States of America (2) (Trevor Project) (LGBTQ): 1-866-488-7386
United States of America (3) ( 1-800-784-2433
United States of America (4) (Hopline 1): 919-231-4525
United States of America (5) (Hopline 2): 1-877-235-4525
United States of America (6) (Your Life, Your Voice): 1-800-448-3000
United States of America (7) (Rape/Sexual Assault Survivors): 1-800-656-4673
United States of America (8) (Eating Disorders): 1-847-831-3438
Uruguay: 095-73-8483
Zimbabwe (1): (263) 09 65000
Zimbabwe (2): 0800 9102