Playtime and leisure on Saturday, September 5th, 2015

Happy Saturday on Sept 5th, 2015

Good morning friends.

Pardon the last post here. We slept a lot later than usual this morning. I’m sure everyone morning was severely thrown off by this tardiness, lol.

Its great to be alive on September 5th, 2015. It didn’t have to be this way, thank God that it is. So today, Sammy & Family is sticking with the plan of doing very little, being together and chilling with our 5 dogs and Vanessa’s dad. We might be a different kind of family with the 5 dogs and all but there is an overabundance of love here if anyone should need to tap into us.

OK Let’s kick this day of with two positive notions.

1. What will I trade this day of my life for so tomorrow I’m happy about it?

2. Its the weekend, I will pick my challenges back up on Monday. I deserve some playtime and leisure.

See you tonight friends.

Welcome to the weekend from Sammy & Family

happy weekend on Sept 4th, 2015

Good evening friends.

Vanessa and I wanted to come wish everyone a great night. As we always we say the weekends are a time to rejuvenate, not ruminate. Time to soak up some ‪#‎Life‬.

Just a quick mention about me always joking about the 960 I got on my SAT’s. Several people of late have said to me; “Scott do realize a 960 is not a good score, why do you always gloat about it ?”

Let me politely address that. Obviously the “Translation is getting Lost in Textation” by the way that is a quote of Dr. Harp Seal’s. Nonetheless being the translation does sometimes get lost in Textation, let me spell it out. Yes, I am aware that’s not a good score on the SAT’s its just part of my humorous repertoire.

So with that, signing off from Puerto Rico on day 237, Scott Evan Smith for Sammy & Family.

Alabama Girlfriend in late 1950’s; “I thoughts Jews had horns coming out of their heads”

two Alabama girlfriends who were sisters


Good evening friends. The Title of this post is Getting busted in college with another woman in Alabama in the 1950’s as a Brooklyn Jew.

So tonight we have the story of my late father getting busted dating another woman other then his girlfriend during his college days in Alabama in late 1950’s, early 1960’s. Now keep in mind being a Jewish man in Alabama during those years was extremely uncommon. To be more specific, Jews and blacks were not very liked in the South. As i have said many times, my father was very unconventional and extremely eccentric. He wanted to a college that had a big Ra-Ra football team and feel a strong sense of college comradery.

So why Alabama ? Well my late father was not good enough to play football but wanted the traveling life that big college football teams experienced throughout the country. My dad was extremely athletic and very flexible. He had heard Alabama was looking for male cheerleaders that could jump over ten people and do back flips through big hoops, and big jumps and flips on trampolines Crazy cheerleading stuff. So he went from Brooklyn NY to Alabama to try out for the men’s gymnast cheerleading squad and made the cut. So now this young man from Brooklyn was traveling around the country with one of the biggest college Football teams in the country. Man he had a blast. Travelling the country for free and hanging out with the football players like a celebrity.

As time went on, he started exclusively dating this nice gal from Alabama. He was about 21 years old. They got pretty hot and heavy right away and before long were in a serious relationship. Now this young gal did not know my dad was Jewish. When my father told him she almost had a heart attack. The young gal said my dad is going to flip out. My father asked her why, and she said because her father said “Jews have horns coming out of their heads” — So he looked at her and said:”Do you see horns coming out of my head?” She said, “No I don’t” — So my father said to his girlfriend, “Your father is wrong”

So they continued dating and kept “the Jewish thing” on the down low, shhhhhh. Now, you should know my father knew how to put himself together when it came to attire. And his girlfriend became accustomed to his style. But he had this other side where he would dress down like a total slob too.

Well one night out with the his boys and in his Slob Attire, he meets another gal and starts a courtship with her. And from there, my late father Barry Smith was now dating two gals at the same time both thinking different things of him. So between the football team cheerleading, travelling the country, dating two women from Alabama, one who though he was sassy, the other gal who liked his casual jeans and t-shirt look, and one of the fathers thought Jews had horns coming out of their heads, life was very busy to say the least.

So his original girlfriend said to my father, I want you to meet my parents so they can see Jews do not have horns coming out of their heads. My father asked her” Is that the only reason they want to meet me? And once your dad sees that I don’t have horns coming out of my head, can i stay for dinner ?”

So my father goes to his original girlfriends house for dinner so the family can meet “The Jew” — As if this was not complicated enough, when he walked into the girlfriends house, he saw the other gal he was dating on the side. She was the one that answered the door. She said “Barry what are you doing here and why are you so dressed up?” — My friends, the other gal he was dating was the Sister of his girlfriend.

To say the father of the two Alabama daughters that got taken by the Jew from Brooklyn was Irate, would be the understatement of the century. This is where I give my father a lot of credit, despite doing a _hitty thing to these two girls.

He asked the father if he could have a word with him alone. Despite the father having fire coming out of his eyes, he granted my father this private conversation. He said to the father of the two girls; “I’m really sorry, it was a rotten thing to do. I had no idea they were related, and even if they weren’t, I know it was a horrible thing to do.

So the father of the two gals said, “you seem like a nice kid, why did you do this?” — My father said, “because I’m 21 years old, didn’t you do things like this when you were 21 years old?” — And the father of the two gals, smiled and said, “You know what, I probably would have. But unfortunately these are my two daughters and I have to shake your hand and ask you to leave now”

And that was the end of Barry Smith the Sharp dressed man, and Barry Smith the slob’s two girlfriends. Single again, and back on the road with the football team.. Yahoooooooooooooooo.

That’s all friends. Hope you enjoyed this story. And for the youngies that might be reading this, don’t do what my father did. He literally lived by no rules.

Friends quick note, i am not religious at all. But I am not Jewish, I went with my mother who is Italian Catholic. That said, we are very liberal people.

To read Post on Website, here’s link;


When I’m gone, let them say I surfed with Giants

Surfed With Giants

Good morning friends.

Its great to be alive on Sept 3rd, 2015.  Good, bad or indifferent, today is a gift. This picture means a lot to my family and I.  My mother and I were in Central Park, this is June or July of 2012. It was just at the time when we were forced to start over from the very beginning again.

Its funny, looking back on this picture I knew the work that had be done and it felt overwhelming because I was still trading full time during this period.  But that’s the thing about life, you have to take it one day at a time.  Look at what has been created one day at a time since the summer of 2012. We created Dr. Harp Seal, an ambassador for animal kindness around the world, the daily inspirational morning posts, The Good News Channel and the amazing people we’ve connected with from that, The evening “Thoughts & Prayers” for animals and people in need, the Movie Rewrites and etc.

The point I’m making is, it’s one day at a time.  That’s how the ELS house was built.  If we put in the work, we will get the results.  There are no short cuts.  And through it all, the best part of everything the Smith Family has built, is with all of you, our animal loving friends from around the Globe.

A fun little play on words from the movie Troy.  “When I’m gone, let them say I surfed with giants. When I’m gone, let them say I lived in a time of Dr. Harp Seal.” 

OK, for all our new friends I have included this link to an Audio of where the saying; “Sammy Loves the World” came from. – It’s not just a slogan, its real story. To hear Audio, click link;

If you want to read how the seeds that were planted in my head in 2000 catapulted the Smith Family into Social Media.  It was those seeds that took me out of Wall Street and gave me my greatest passion of all; The ELS Family, click link; 

Happy Throwback Thursday friends.  See you tonight.

Tonight we say goodbye to a fallen Cat named Dillon

Rest in Peace Dillon

Good evening friends.

We have a tough goodbye tonight.  The world lost a beautiful cat named Dillon at 17 years old.  Dillon belonged to Elizabeth Lane and family.  This family are big time animal lovers.  Beth & family still have other fur-babies in the house but they feel a big void now.  We can all relate to that.  Beth and I were corresponding earlier and she was telling me that she had Dillon since he was 6 weeks old.  Dillon’s mother got hit by a car and the vet suggested the place the kittens quickly.

Dillon was a gentle soul that would sit with Elizabeth hours on end if Elizabeth sat long enough.  Dillon just wanted to be with her.  Time was of no consequence.  Dillon was sweet and loving to all.  When new fur-babies came into the house, Dillon would show them the ropes, Dillon’s ropes more specifically. Elizabeth and family had 17 fabulous, loving years with him and are heart broken having to have said goodbye. Elizabeth was saying how the house feels very quiet now.

We all know that feeling, don’t we ? We all get used to these little creatures literally being are shadow. We here their feet claws clicking against the floors as they follow us room to room.  I tell Vanessa all the time being that I’m Mr. Mom now to 5 dogs all day, that i feel like I have 5 stalkers on my tail all day.  And I don’t mean “stalkers” in the negative sense, i just mean, when i get up, they get up, when i lay down, they lay down.  The point is, we understand how a house can feel so quiet in an instant after 17 years.  Its like we say to ourselves, “Where is my little shadow?”  The one that waited for me to come home, the one the waited for me to get out of the shower, the one that waited for to  get into bed before he or she would go to bed.

Life is like that, It can be so full for so so long, and then in an instant feel so empty.  And that is the inflection point when we have to mourn, accept, and keep marching.  And who knows from there, maybe we rescue another pet who is yearning to give you his love and in return he or she will neutralize the emptiness with love and joy again.  This is the cycle of life.

And during Dillon’s cycle, he gave 17 years of happiness and joy to Elizabeth and family.  Dillon made the world a better place and he will always be remembered.  Its like Elizabeth said; “He was an angel from beginning”  —  And its like Sammy & Family has always said; “Animals are angels walking amongst us” — That’s not lip service, that’s a real truth.  If you question that, ask yourself has an animal every mistreated you ? Has an animal ever not been loyal to you no matter what condition were in ?  Sounds like angles to me.

Rest in Peace Dillon.  We will never forget you.  No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

We have an SOS for a Mini Schnauzer named Lainey, from the area of Minnewawa/ Alluvial, Clovis, CA

SOS for Lainey from CA

Good evening friends.  I am going to label this post a “Red Alert” post.  SOS.  This is a picture of a Mini-Schnauzer named Lainey.  She has been missing since 04/14/2015 around 7:30 pm.  Lainey is from the area of Minnewawa/ Alluvial, Clovis, CA.

Friends, as animal lovers we all know this kind of loss feels the same as losing a child. This dog needs to be found and returned to her home ASAP.  Whoever might have taken her, we beg of you to see past a few hundred dollars you might be getting for her and restore a broken-hearted family back to normalcy and happiness.

You can still have your payday.  The owner is offering a $1000 Reward for a safe return, no questions asked.  No trouble, no nothing.  Please hand the dog back over to Jaimy, take your thousand dollar reward and relieve a family of the wreckage this has caused.  We all know money is important in this life, but its not important enough to destroy a family and / or hurt innocent animals.  Life can be harsh on all of us, but taking a dog that is not yours and tearing a family apart is not the path to a better life.  If you ever wanted feel like a million bucks, return Lainey and heal a family in serious pain.  That is what wealth really means.

Rescue and compassion will give anyone’s life a higher sense of purpose immediately. There’s a famous slogan out there a lot of us have heard; “The World is Full of Nice People, If you can’t find one, Be One”  — Please bring Lainey back home. Sammy & Family is pleading and urging you to help restore this family back to where they were just this past April of 2015.

 Lainey is a black female Miniature Schnauzer. She is very friendly and she’ll just want her belly rubbed after she barks a couple of times.   She has a pink Notre Dame collar with shamrock tag. She is micro-chipped. She is spayed. She is about 20-25 lbs.

Please call anytime, day or night if you find her.  We will not ask questions, we just want our dog back safe.  You can call Jaimy: (559) 974-3284.  Or Scott Smith; 917-855-7056. You can email Scott also at;  This family needs a miracle and we are looking for a hero.  

 We have made a Facebook page for Lainey and would love everyone to join and invite your friends so we can spread the word about Lainey and bring her home where she belongs.

Sincerely,  Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.   917-855-7056

Poppy Tuesday on September 1st, 2015

Poppy Tuesday on September 1st, 2014

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Tuesday.  A day of filled with Hope and Possibilities.  This is little Pops wondering whats in store for the day.  He approaches  most days like this.  Everyday he is like; “Dad, whats the plan?”  And everyday i say same thing to him” — “The plan is whatever you want Poppy, this is your day, and we even named this day just for you”  — And Patrick Swayze of course, but Pops never knew about Mr. Swazye.

It always good to repeat the matra of Poppy Tuesday, its sets our day on the right foot.  “If Poppy can do it, we can do it”  — Nobody had lessor odds then him and look at his life now.  That is why we say “Poppy Tuesday” is day filled with Hope and Possibilities.

Lets kick this Tuesday off with two positive notions.

  1. When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this – you haven’t.’   — Thomas Edison —
  2. To the critics, I did’t notice, i was to busy seeking happiness.  Also you should create your own work and be the judge of that.   — Dr. Harp Seal —

See you tonight friends.  Sincerely,  Scott Smith