The Good News Channel

The Good News Channel is a platform for all of us to share positive news with each other. The news comes from all of us. Please share positive things going on with you, or something positive that you read about. Funny is positive too. Remember that laughter helps us live longer.


Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday on February 27th, 2018

Happy PRL on February 27th, 2018

Good evening friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday. A day and night field with hope and possibilities. Remember, if Poppy, Rocky and Lucky can make it, anyone can.

For all of our new friends, Poppy, Rocky and Lucky are 3 of our 7 dogs. The three of them had a very tough start in life. The odds of us all ending up together were zero. But somehow, today, we’re a Wolfpack of 8 including me. Owhoooo.

OK friends, let’s kick this night with two positive notions.

1. Anytime I’m just thinking about myself, I feel agitated. Whenever I’m thinking of others, I feel purposeful. Funny how that works.

2. The reason I put animals before people, is because people can take care of both, animals cannot.

Day 1136 here in Puerto Rico, yes, 1136. Today is day 822 since we rescued Rocky, and day 286 since we rescued Lucky.

Have a great night friends.

Because sometimes you meet an angel and don’t remember your life before them.

Because sometimes you meet an angel and don’t remember your life before them

Because sometimes you meet an angel and don’t remember your life before them.

Say hello to my best friend of 43 years, Lloyd Lapidus from Florida, and his new rescue from Puerto Rico, Rocko. He’s a 4 month old Lab Mix and weighs 25 pounds. Tri-Country Humane in Florida organized the rescue.

A massive Congratulations to Rocko and the whole Lapidus family.

The odds of Rocko making it out of PR and into one of the greatest animal loving families around, were almost zero.

But as we’ve talked about before, sometimes all of the stars are aligned, and life hands you a gift that changes you forever.

Lloyd sent me many pictures that I’ll share with everyone over the next few weeks or so.

We want to thank Lloyd & Family for making the world a better place one animal at a time. Every time we rescue an animal, we create a miracle.

“I thought I rescued you. But, I think you rescued me”

Have a great night friends.

2016 is the year of Rocky

Rocky on January 2nd, 2016

Good morning friends.

Day 359 here in Puerto Rico and day 44 since we rescued Rocky.  I love this boy, like crazy love.  He is completely trained and well behaved in the house. The only one he gets playfully wild with is me because he knows he can get away with it.

When we rescued Rocky on November 19th, 2015 he was extremely calm and well behaved. Things seem to come really easy to him. Rocky has such grace about him. We have a new video of him coming out, maybe y’all can see what I mean.

So friends, a little update on my family back home. My mother’s apartment is up for sale and she will be moving to Puerto Rico when its sold. She did just receive an offer, not sure if she takes it, but its close. The good News is there’s a beautiful house 5 houses down from Vanessa and her dad’s house (the one I love in, lol) for sale.  More than likely my mother will buy that one.

As for her Jess and her kids, they will most likely be finishing the school year in NY. From there they will decide if they will move to Puerto Rico or not.

OK my friends, that is the Saturday update. As you can see Rocky wants some adventure, and he’s going to get.  That’s good news for me. When he is distracted by other things, I can wrestle with him Less. My body loves those days.

OK friends. Saturday is a day of freedom. “Get busy living, or get busy dying”  — Morgan Freeman —

P.S.  Is Morgan Freeman God ?  I feel like he is.  #BruceAlmighty  #EvanAlmighty

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