Rainbow Yoga Princess Kat Bates

Dubbed the Rainbow Yoga Princess, Kat Bates is a young woman of many talents.  She is a certified Yoga Instructor, Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Therapist, Reiki Practitioner, Homeopath, Fashion Designer, Jewelry Designer and Extreme Sports Junkie.  She has an incredible passion for Traveling and sharing her love of Yoga and the Healing Arts with people all over the world.


 Yoga on the Beach in Goa, India.  Can’t say I hear that one everyday.  Kat on the left.

Kat’s only message is 2 things.

1)  Be love.  Love is my religion.  2) Always listen to your heart

Listen to that still small voice and inner guidance system.  It is difficult with all the conditioning, responsibilities, and feelings of guilt and fear that come when we think about our dreams.  But this is your ONE chance, your ONE life, go out there and conquer it fearlessly.  Have no regrets when you die.  Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back.  You can do ANYTHING with your life.  Follow your dreams!  You are the master designer of your life.  Know your worth and never settle. Your thoughts, attitudes, beliefs have brought you to the present situation you are in now. Gratitude, positivity, believing in miracles and that anything is possible will absolutely and radically transform your life.

Life in the day of Yogis in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua

Life in the day of Yogis San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua.

Kat’s life journey radically transformed from fully structured to completely free and liberated of typical every day constraints.  Originally slated to become a medical doctor, Kat heard her inner alarm bells and sirens going off to change direction.  She listened to her higher conscious and surprised all by moving to NYC 3 days after graduating from the University of Texas at Austin to pursue a career in fashion.

Paragliding in Turkey

Paragliding in Ölüdeniz, Turkey and doing Yoga simultaneously.  #Namaste

Born in Venezuela, but raised in Texas, Kat’s 9 year stint in NYC was a magical journey filled with amazing friends, travels, career changes, and many creative and holistic ventures. She made jewelry, designed for Betsey Johnson, bartended, did a yoga teacher training at Laughing Lotus, became a Reiki practitioner, attended a 4 year program for Homeopathic Medicine, studied with some of the most renowned yoga teachers and did yoga retreats with her best friends all over the globe to her heart’s delight.

Double Rainbow in Hawaii

Double Rainbow in Oahu, Hawaii!!!  I Love Rainbows!!!   OK, that gets a Hashtag #Wow

The more she traveled, the more inspired, liberated, and creative she became.  Her career in design was merely one of the Universe’s mystical and ingenious ways of guiding her to her higher callings of pursuing yoga, gaining a beautiful network and community of like-minded soul seekers, and all of the other healing arts that New York so graciously offered her.

Kat Rock Climbing in Peru

Rock Climbing in Peru.

After moving back to Texas the wanderlust in her heart pounded even stronger.  She traveled to Hawaii, then India to do an Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Course, and lastly to work in Turkey which enabled her to continue traveling and pursue her commitment to learning. During her time in Texas this past year, she managed to start an amazing yoga community of great friends and start her Ayurvedic Yoga Massage Practice.  But alas, Mother India’s siren song called her back for a second year in a row and she has been on the road since December 2014.

 Yoga Retreat with Best Friends in Zanzibar, Africa.  Right before we went scuba diving

Yoga Retreat with Best Friends in Zanzibar, Africa.  Right before we went scuba diving.

You learn about yourself, your spirit, your soul when you are traveling.  You learn about your resilience, endurance, patience, perseverance, and your humanity.  Everything is tested, your guts, your values, and you are pushed to your limits physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually….

Most Magical Sunset in Hampi, India at the Hanuman Temple.

Most Magical Sunset in Hampi, India at the Hanuman Temple.

There is no better life lesson or job to have on your resume than traveling.  You learn how to be patient, kind and communicate in crazy, frustrating and even volatile situations.  You experience culture, and become best friends with like-minded and kindred spirits.  Community and sharing everything from food to valuable skills is paramount in the travel culture.  You are transported to an almost native or tribal culture of selflessness, giving, living simply, exploring nature, living off the land, laughing, playing, helping each other on the spiritual path, and there is an ever present unconditional love and support all around you.  Material possessions become less and less important and the yogic and Buddhist philosophies of unattachment finally become clearer.

 Teaching on the beach in Goa, India

Teaching on the beach in Goa, India.  Kat in middle.

Kat’s next adventure will be moving to Bali soon to teach yoga and get her scuba master certification.  Two absolute dreams of hers are coming to fruition living by the ocean in Bali and getting her scuba certification!

 The love of my life and my favorite pup in the world Baby Jarvis.  He makes me laugh, smile, and gives the best cuddles in the world

The love of my life and my favorite pup in the world Baby Jarvis.  He makes me laugh, smile, and gives the best cuddles in the world.

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