The Four Musketeers

The Four Musketeers

Good evening friends.  We have four special guests leading us out tonight.  These four angels are members of our great friend Jennifer Hoffman Schmitt and Family.

The doggies names are: Bellina (Little brown and white on far left, then Zeus is next to her, then Meiko (both sable poms), then Bentley! They are my loves! Bellina is my only little girl, so she is a spoiled princess and sleeps next to me almost every night!

Prince Zeusy is my handsome gentleman, always has a word to chime in about things, and is quite the old soul. Mr. Meiko is one of my ‘foster failures’ from back in the day. I knew I had to keep him from the moment I met him! He’s a loner who keeps to himself most times, but when he does get feisty I love it!  Someday I hope to get back to fostering, I do miss it. Last but not least is Mr. Bentley, my beautiful Papillion! He is the sweetest little lovebug, and gives kisses for hours!

Each one of them holds a special place in my heart. Sad side note is, I actually used to have eight! Yes, EIGHT! But since my ex and I divorced a few years ago, he now has four and so do I. It was a hard thing to swallow, loosing half my babies! However, the silver lining is that we remain good friends, so I do get to see them from time to time, although it’s not as often as I would like. My stepdaughter and I exchange pictures we take of them all the time, so that is a happy thing!

Sammy & Family thanks Jennifer for being such a great friend to animals.  Look how happy these four dogs are in the picture.  That’s a direct result of Jennifer’s love and care for them.  Jennifer Hoffman Schmitt is truly making the world a better place, many animals at a time.

I also want to credit Jennifer for making Sammy & Family aware of Teddy the Porcupine out of Dallas Texas.  As a result of her heads up I contacted Zooniversity which is where Teddy lives and we are featuring him on The Good News Channel tomorrow morning.  We are very excited about this feature.

Lets close by praying for the well being and safety for all animals around the world. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed.  Amen.  Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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