I’m defined by me

I'm defined by me

Good evening friends.

It’s great to be here with everyone.  Life was great today on Jun 1st, 2015.  Feeling really grateful today and I’d like to share that with all of you.  Positivity is contagious just like negativity.  Some very smart people told me once the only one I can compare myself to is myself.  I always like hearing that, it keeps me grounded.

My friends I know I’ve been pounding the happiness drum lately, i hope it doesn’t come off  in an arrogant fashion, it’s not intended to do so.  After living in the dark for some many years, I’m just ecstatic to be free and happy. Hopefully those remarks can give hope to some of you in dark times now.

Nobody has the right to inflict their expectations on us, its our life, not theirs.  Keep that as mental capital.  That’s one of the main tickets to freedom.  Everyone in the world is as confused as you are, so your decisions are just as good.

Let’s close out with two positive notions;

1. I am not perfect, when i try to be perfect it causes me unhappiness.  When I’m just me, I feel happy.

2. This one needs to be drilled in our heads, I am not defined by what people think of me, I’m defined by what I think of myself.  If certain people don’t like me, that’s OK, i will find other friends that do.

Signing off from Puerto Rico, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

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