Good evening from Sammy & Family on June 2nd, 2015

Goodnight on June 2nd, 2015

Good evening friends.

We hope everyone had a nice Tuesday.  So my family and I made some progress towards their move to Puerto Rico since i last updated you.   Who what of thought that a New Yorker  meets his wife on Instagram, moves to Puerto Rico with his 3 dogs, and now convinces his mother, sister and her 4 kids to do the same.   Not guaranteed yet, but looking very strong this will happen.   The power of social media, huh ?

Anyway, I know I’ve told that story a few times already.  So lets move on to how we are all doing.

Firstly, if you had a bad day, I have good news, its over.  Remember a great night sleep resets the deck and invites new possibilities into our lives simply because our energy is better.  If you had a good today, hit the replay button and do the same tomorrow, why complicate things.

There are 7 billion people in the world, millions in your areas alone, I want to be friends with people that want to be friends with me. Those that don’t want to be friends with me, that’s there business, not mine.  I am not changing who i am so people that do not like me start liking me.

ELS gave me a life.  I am not lonely anymore because of ELS.  And again, sorry for the repetitiveness, God gave me life back on September 21st, 2013 after my total reckless behavior.  So what’s my point ?  My point is, the rest of my life is dedicated to animals and people in despair and to see them through to happy and fun times again.

OK, i will close with this.  I am really working hard to put this radio / podcast show together, still a ways away, but when we launch just give it a little time.  I am not an actor after-all, but through my experiences I’ve learned to communicate openly through writing.   But as you all remember that took time as well.  So same with the radio show, might be awkward for a few shows, but once we find our groove, it will be the best start to a morning people can ask for.

With that my friends, time to wind down over here.  Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 142, Scot Smith for Sammy & Family.

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