Goodnight everyone. It’s so nice to stop in tonight and say hello to all of our new friends, as well as our old and treasured friends here, who are now just a big part of our extended family. All of you mean so much to us, and it’s truly an honor to spend time with you each day and evening. We hope that you’re all staying safe out there, as the weather is quite severe in certain parts of the country at this time. Be careful, and please reach out to us , should you need anything.
Here are two positive notions for all of us to ponder tonight, and going into tomorrow.
1. Even within an ordinary day, that may seem routine or mundane, there are lessons to be learned, wisdom to gain, and moments of beauty, however simple they may be. If we keep that in mind when rising each morning, we can be more open to seeing and being aware of the miracles all around us. however big or small.
2. Take on each day as a new opportunity to live your life in a way that’s most true to yourself. Visualize yourself closer and closer to your authentic purpose. No one can tell you what your heart wants and needs. Only you can know that. Don’t ever forget that it’s never too late to begin again, at any time, and at any age. Take a leap of faith for yourself. You’re worth it.
Goodnight everybody. Sleep well.
All my love,
Jessica Lee Smith,
For Sammy & Family