Happy Fluff Day


Happy Friday / Fluff ball

Good morning friends.

Friday the quintessential genius shows up right on time again, sheer brilliance.  There’s a lot of love in the air today on the platforms, I can feel it.  A lot of good things are in store for us today.  There is only one prerequisite for a good day, you have to give today a chance.

As you can see Sammy the Fluff ball is in great spirits this morning, but that’s not really uncommon.  I recently asked Sammy why is he always so happy ? So he answered my question with a question, he said, “Why aren’t you always happy?”  As I turned away from him it dawned on me once again, you can choose to be in the “Glass is half empty” category, or you can choose to be in the “Glass is half full category”

Like we’ve been saying keep and open mind and open heart.  Did I ever think I would be taking life lessons from a 10 pound Pomeranian ?  No, but with an open mind, anything is possible.

Happy Friday friends.

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