The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer;

Good morning friends. Dr. Harp Seal here. Thank you for stopping by. Today’s message is; “The Power of Prayer” — I bring this up because I see a lot of good people saying Prayers don’t work. I am reluctant to bring science into my example to prove prayers work, but sometimes people need to see it to believe it.

We have talked about the Power of Positive thinking and the proven scientific results behind it. As an example in case you didn’t hear our former messages, “The Placebo Effect’ — That is scientific proof how powerful our beliefs are.  How about the term; “Laws of Attractions”,  We attract what we think. That is scientifically proven as well.

So if we know the power of our thoughts and beliefs as illustrated above, What makes anyone think that when people pray, its not a form a positive thinking ? – Or better yet, when millions of people pray to God, or on certain person, subject, or issue in the world, that collectively all those thoughts won’t create an incredibly powerful effect ?

So when Posed with the question; “Do Prayers Work?”  — I can only answer that by saying; “You bet they do.” — I can’t tell an atheist what to believe or not to believe. However, I can tell an Atheist they’re wrong, because they are.

Love you friends. See you tonight. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

To learn more about Dr. Harp Seal, here’s Audio below;

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