Day 365 here in Puerto Rico

Day 365 in Puerto Rico

Good morning friends.

Day 365 here in Puerto Rico. I know we all know this but its been a great illustration of how times flies. This was a big transitional year for Sammy & Family. We had a lot of happy times and sadly lost some friends along the way.

I remember the plane flight last year on January 11th, 2015. I was having an outer body experience of stress. Number 1, I was freaking out about keeping my boys under the seats in front of us. Number 2, I had not been on a plane in 10 years, and number 3, I was saying goodbye to NY after 45 years.

After the first few days, Vanessa had to remind me of how she came to NYC on a Friday, helped me get set up with the boys to leave on Sunday. She also reminded me that She and I went for dinner on Saturday night, the night before we left NYC. It was the same place we had the wedding party in 2013, and the restaurant was nice enough to comp us the dinner. It was our going away present from them. The point being is I did Not remember any of it.

So today really is a special day when I look back on those first few days in Puerto Rico. Its funny, the dogs adjusted immediately.

My father died at 46 years in old on February 3rd, 1984. I am 46, Vanessa is 47. Where am I going with this ? Here’s where; Everyday we wake up is a gift. Don’t sweat the small stuff and do the best you can.

As you know Sunday is our favorite day of the week. So being day 365 landed on a Sunday makes it that much sweeter. The only bad news is we did not win the Powerball. The good News is the next Powerball will be well over 1 billion dollars, we are going to win that.

When we do, I am going to give twice as much to animal welfare now, and I am going to buy 2 hotels in Puerto Rico instead of 1. Then I am even going to throw a a bigger ELS party between the two hotels. Once the party is over, I will sell both hotels for a major loss and go back to a simple life.

See you tonight friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

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