DOJ to end use of Private Prisons

DOJ gives Private Prisons a big shot across the bow

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Good evening friends.

A big story broke last Thursday, August 18th, out of the Department of Justice.  The U.S Department of Justice is going to stop using Private prisons. I’m sure some of you caught this last week, but being we are deep in the summer, I figured to share it again.

This is really substantial news. Coming from Wall Street and Finance, I really never understood incentivsing incarceration. I mean think of that. Companies that profit off of people getting jailed. We know the criminal Justice Reform has been a major political topic in this country. But to witness the first major blow across the bow in the “prisons for profits” industry, is a major moral victory for the country.

America’s values are inverted. It’s supposed to be, “Lives before Profits”, not the other way around. We don’t need a society, not only stacking the deck against people, but actually rooting for their demise. We all know money is important in this life, but is it important enough to lock people up and ruin their lives? — No, it isn’t.

“The fruits of the Earth are plentiful enough for all animals and people to live in abundance” #DrHarpSeal

It would be nice to live in a country that roots for all its citizens and does not hope for incarcerations, illnesses and wars.

The decision out of the Department of Justice last week, on private prisons, was a giant Positive step forward for mankind.

Just to note, two private prison stocks crashed on the news, Corrections Corporation of America, and  GEO Group.

Sincerely, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.


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