Hello everyone, a little early on the prayers tonight. My apologies, please take 2 minutes to go through the prayers. We start by praying for Donna Woods and family; they just lost their Jack Russell at 16 years old. We will keep them in our thoughts. We are praying for a dog friend of ours, Roxie, she has to undergo chemotherapy again and we ask for a speedy recovery. We got on to pray for a Cocker Spaniel named Sam who just passed. He was 12 years old and will be greatly missed. Sam was a very special angel; we will keep him in our prayers always. We always keep close to heart, victims of Dog Fighting, Bull fighting and Harp Seals, all of the species deserve better. God did not put them on this earth to endure these malice acts. To all animals mistreated or neglected, you are not alone, we sit beside you. Your voices join ours and it is loud, very loud. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. God is watching, he will seek restitution for his angels. Amen. Love, Sammy.
Again, I have a two year old German Sheppard, a female. Very sweet & healthy. I want to find her a nice loving home. For inquiries, email me at; smith7024@yahoo.com. Thank you, Scott Smith