Pets will bring immediate happiness to your life December 10, 2012

27909_541994962497371_1638228498_nHey friends. Hope you’re all doing well. Just want to mention again, everyday is a great day to Adopt / Rescue a Dog or Pet. They will bring immediate happiness into your life, and you’ll be saving a life. That’s a Win Win. The world likes Win Wins. As a reminder to those buying pets for people as Holiday gifts, please be sure that they want one. To many times we have seen after two weeks the novelty wears off, and the poor angel is in a bad spot. As always we pray for animals being held against their will and we remind them, they are not alone. We are there with them. Their pain is out pain, it’s one pain. We pray for all the animal victims of these senseless sporting events counting on their anguish and inevitable demise. God did not put these beautiful creatures in this life to be abused for our amusement. Oh no, he did not. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. God watches over his precious angels. They will have peace in this life or the next. Amen. Love, Sammy & Family.

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