Story of the Young Bloods November 25, 2012

155952_115196108644716_1463601163_n“Young Blood” is the name of my series. This picture is a huge group photo of all the current characters in the series. I may add more characters in the future, but right now I highly doubt it.
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“Young Blood” is a story about a world without humans. After millions and millions of years of humans inhabiting earth, God sees the corruption and evil that man has brought to the planet. God then wipes out the entire human race to make way for a species that could do a better job and make a better world. Dogs and cats encompass this species. As they evolve physically and mentally, a vicious cycle repeats itself once again, because with good in this “reborn world,” bad followed suit. Dogs and cats became just as corrupted and in their more evolved states become even more violent.They have the power to build things, wield weapons, ect. Is this a good thing is the question one must ask his/herself. However the answer will always be “no” in Young Blood. Our story resides in a human-less United States of America, re-named “Canorphia” by the many canines that reside in the country. Our main characters are Nashira,Tommy,Makani, and Gemini. Nashira,Gemini and Makani are the three leaders of a corrupted group of canines called “The Young Bloods.” The main goal of these leaders is to rule over Canorphia with an iron fist. If they achieve this goal, the lives of countless dogs could be at stake because of their greedy desires. Tommy is the younger and main follower in this group as he was pulled into it by being manipulated.Tommy is one of the few in this group that feels remorse, but out of fear of rejection he stays and follows the group,helping them in their evil deeds. In the Young Bloods wake, more dogs are sucked toward this group like floating debris toward a black hole in space. Will these dogs support the chaos being created by the Young Bloods? Will some of them be against it? But more importantly, will the Young Bloods succeed in taking over Canorphia for their own gain? Will somebody stop them?

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