My brother has the biggest heart August 6, 2012

481140_485969504766584_410812384_nHello Dear Friends, This is Sammy’s Aunt Jessica, Scott’s Sister. Tonight I ask for all of your prayers for my brother and his little boy. Ever since the day my brother brought Sammy home, he was in love. Sammy has made him smile even at the toughest parts of his Life. Since Sammy was a baby , Scott always saw him as a star and it was always his dream to share the happiness that Sammy brings him with the rest of the world. That’s just the true nature of my brothers heart. In this jaded world, most people are looking out for themselves. But not my brother. Scott is truly one of the purest hearts I’ve ever known and I don’t say this just because he is my brother. I say it because I know his soul and it is magnificent. His love for Sammy is just beautiful and Sammy for him, as well. Scott is Sammy’s voice and Sammy is Scott’s inspiration.What is being attempted by another party here is being done with malice and the intent to hurt, for someone else to prosper monetarily from something so pure. My brother in this case was too trusting for sure, but it’s because he could never conceive of this type of cruelty. In the end, I will do my best to see that nothing stands in the way of Sammy and Scott and that nothing stops Scott’s dream of making the world smile. And in this family, we may get knocked down, but we always get back up. Scott will never give up and neither will I. Sammy and Scott are together at home resting. Love will prevail and so will truth, but most of all our friends. We will continue our mission to bring you happiness, strength and laughter. Today was a hard day but Tomorrow is a new day and we will go on. Thank you for all of your prayers and support. It means the world to us, Jessica Lee Smith~
This is my favorite picture of my brother and Sammy because its a true depiction of love. Goodnight.
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