Animals are angels offered by god June 21, 2013

1016513_638148242882042_938498683_nGoodnight everyone. What a nice week and Friday night. Hurts us to know, that so many of our animals friends, don’t know any difference between any day of the week. They are all a struggle, and are clueless as to what day of the week it is.

We pray for our animals friends whose lives are no different then millions of years ago. We pray for animals whose lives are considered no more significant then a couch or other meaningless possessions.

The fact that we don’t grace your presence as angels here on earth, is out short coming, nothing to do with you. God offered us angles, but because they are defined as animals by man, we just overlook it. Remember, man as a specie, who shows no respect for animal life, jeopardizes his own existence right here on earth. Until we respect animals we will keep paying the price with more Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, storms and etc. It’s our choice, for those of you that don’t think these acts or correlated, then you are as dumb as Scott Evan Smith who got a 960 on his SAT’s. These acts are directly correlated, so let’s pray the animal abusers out there, eventually understand that.

No lives will go in vain, no lives will go in pain. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.


Scott Evan Smith, for Sammy & Family.

My wedding debut June 21, 2013

1014362_637852869578246_2133253675_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”]

Happy Friday Friends. This was me at the wedding last Saturday. 100 people showed up for Sammy, only 1 person took a picture of me. I Felt I should share it with you. I may not get the attention he gets, but my family loves me just the same. “ It’s cool bro, I’m just happy to be your brother. [/pullquote]

Prayers for the animals June 20, 2013

1017200_637597656270434_2801707_nBuenos Noches. The translation is Good Evening. I learned how to speak Spanish fluently since Saturday. That’s never been done before in history. Just kidding. Well after 6 months of me saying Jessica and her 3 kids were coming back to NYC, that finally happened last night. The three years in FL is officially over. There is nothing wrong with FL, just talking about my sister in this example. Now the other promise we made almost 9 months ago, which I’m also very late on, is the completion of our website. We have gotten almost 400 posts over to the website now, with about another 300 to go. Several people are working on it, so it should be done soon.

Moving on. Jess will be writing to all of you on Sunday night as they get their faculties together over next few days.

So tonight, let’s pray for all animals as we always do. We pray for the precious seals crossing paths with these barbaric Seal Hunts. We pray for Dogs of Dog fighting, bears of bear bating, bear dancing, rooster fighting, Bulls of Bullfighting, dolphin and whale hunts, and so on and so on. Its still amazes Sammy & Family that many people still take the posture of “ Survival of the fittest, it’s just how it is “. I will go on record and say Everybody Loves Sammy does not subscribe to the book “Lord of the flies “. If we need to squash the weak or the meek or whomever to enrich our lives, I will take a pass on all of that and go back to basics. It’s like Dr. Harp Seal says, “If you can go through life and steal a few laughs, you did OK in my book “.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed.

Amen. Love Sammy & Family.

Prayers for Carole and Peanut June 19, 2013

1017662_637099399653593_1534770743_nGoodnight animal lovers. Couple of mentions tonight. Firstly a Shout Out for Sylvester Stallone ( Yes Rocky ). Not a new story, but I wanted to share it again. Somewhere in 1975 or 1976 i believe, Sly Stallone had to sell his dog for 50 dollars to someone that was able to feed him. Things were so dire he could not even feed his dog. Within one week of that, he sold his script for the Original Rocky for 350,000 dollars. He immediately went back for his dog, and only a week later, paid 3000 dollars to get him back. Everybody Loves Sammy salutes this man, not only did he write one of the greatest movies of all time, he displayed a sense of decency that we need to see more of in today’s fast moving time. To Mr. Stallone, Just like Muhammad Ali ” Shook up the World ” when he beat Sunny Liston in 1964, you did the same with your loyalty to your dog, and with your ” Rocky ” Movies. One last tidbit on the Movie Rocky, it was inspired by an actual Ali fight in 1975. So, one more salute to Sly from Everybody Loves Sammy, you too, ” are the greatest “.

Moving on, Let’s pray for our friend Carole, whose dog Peanut is having severe health issues at 12 years old. Peanut has been suffering a great deal and more then likely will have to be put down. Many times this is the only loving move left to make, despite how hard it is. Peanut is a rescue dog, and gave Carole’s family so much joy over the years. Carole, please keep us posted. We are with you.

We have spoken many times on elephants and the poaching that goes on with them. What I am about to say is not new either, it’s known. More killings are going on now then in decades, there are certain militant groups in certain parts of the world, using Ivory to trade for weapons and ammunition.

As a regular person with no particular importance or power in this life, all i can say is this; ” Mother Nature ” will raise hell over and over again on us randomly, until we stop these atrocities inflicted on animals just because we can.

No lives will go in Vain, no pain will go unnoticed.

Amen. Love Sammy & Family.

June 19, 2013

1004717_636920336338166_1431329725_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Buenos Tardes; Translation ” Good Afternoon.” So we are bringing Movie Rewrites back. The break is over, we’ve rested enough. This Saturday we are going to Rewrite ” Million Dollar Baby.” Yes, it was a great movie, but for the love of God, it just didn’t have to end that way. We think tragedy to triumph was a better road.

Tune in right here on Facebook at Everybody Loves Sammy Saturday at 7 PM. [/pullquote]

Workin 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin June 19, 2013

969664_636810529682480_2025076476_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] Wait, wait, wait. Are you telling me it’s 8:30 AM on Wednesday? I just went to bed ten minutes ago watching the Tuesday night news. I can really relate to Dolly Parton in 1980 when she sang ♫♫♫ Workin 9 to 5, what a way to make a livin ♫♫♫.

Happy Wednesday. [/pullquote]

The Triumph of Pigs June 18, 2013

1010574_636530199710513_1494548828_nHello everybody. Hope you all had a nice day. Thought this picture had a nice message, figured to share it. We did not take this picture; I’m not sure who did. If they come forward, we will mention them. Anyhow, being part of Sammy’s community we get a lot emails pictures / images sent to us or put on our timelines. I will come back to that topic after I quickly make this one. I don’t eat pork anymore. The more I learned about pigs I started to realize they know what’s happening to them. I also have friends that have pigs as pets, they are very smart, and they get along with dogs, cats, goats, and other animals that I have seen them with. As we mentioned Vanessa is a vegan, and we have so many other options of eating that don’t involve miserable lives, and inevitable death for these animal victims. There are Veggie burgers, vegetarian hot dogs with soy or tofu. There are thousands of alternatives out there, and easy to implement into our lives. Hundreds of companies are making these kinds of foods already. I’m not saying anything new here or original, I’m saying to myself it’s time to walk the walk. So, I am going from not eating pork, to not eating any meat going forward. And the past few years, I have cut down in that department as it is. But it needs to be policy now. Looking the other way to me is like giving “Silent Consent “. The same way I am committed to not drink anymore, it’s time to stop eating meat. And a little side note if you will, I do not hold a perfect record with my fight against alcohol, but my heart is committed to a life without it. No excuses for slip ups, but just owning up to it. I should be beaten with a stick for that, I know. Anyway, these comments are not about me, it’s about “ Not Condoning “ the anguish they go through for our appetites. We have alternatives, they already out there. Please just think about some of these things I’m saying, again none of it new, but definitely still not enough people committing to it. I took a stand on Pork because of how I feel about Pigs, now I’m personally committing to a meatless life. I will do this because of how I feel about all animals, oh and as a side benefit, it happens to be a healthier way of eating also.

So prayers going out to all these animals bred to kill, being created to be killed just seems upside down. And I am personally tired of seeing it like that, and just talking about it. That just doesn’t cut it. Down the line we will talk about Fish and what the right thing regarding them is. I know people think Fish falls in a different category, but it shouldn’t. When we catch them they feel like we would feel if we were drowning. Yes, that’s correct. So let’s send out prayers for all the fish that suffered keeping us alive.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed.

Amen. Love Sammy & Family.

Sammy’s friend Nicholas June 18, 2013

1010285_636287686401431_1005427326_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] I guess this is what Carole King and James Taylor meant in 1971 when they sang, ♫♫♫ Winter, spring, summer, or fall, All you have to do is call, And I’ll be there, You’ve got a friend ♫♫♫.

This is Sammy’s close friend Nicholas from the Facebook page of Nicholas NYC. Jim, Nicholas’s owner, and Nicholas have always been great friends to Sammy & Family. We were very happy to see them at the wedding, made the day even better.

Happy Tuesday. [/pullquote]

Always extend your heart to others June 17, 2013

1000073_636088593088007_2140109350_n-1Good night sweet friends and animal lovers. So many people in this world are living without even the barest of necessities. Let us never forget them. There are people who struggle around us in silence, every day. There are innocent animals whose lives are taken so barbarically every minute all over this world.

Always extend your heart to others. Always show love and acceptance because you never know what trials they are fighting hard to survive in their own lives. There can be only good that comes from giving of your own light. If you can spare a smile, do so, to brighten someone’s day. That one smile might just make a difference. Most importantly, if you see injustice, do not hesitate to speak out for the innocent. They need the power of the masses behind them. We should all feel the safety of knowing that our fellow brothers and sisters will fight for us, even when we cannot fight for ourselves.

As always we pray for all animals being neglected or mistreated, and we remind them, they are not alone. We stand with them; none of their cries fall on deaf ears. These troopers all deserved better, and shall have that, in this life or the next.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed.
Amen. Love Sammy & Family.

Somebody’s watching me June 17, 2013

1016162_635812976448902_1612640691_n[pullquote align=”left|center|right” textalign=”left|center|right” width=”30%”] ” Good morning, Happy Monday. I guess this is what Rockwell meant in 1984 when he sang ♫♫♫ I always feel like somebody’s watching me ♫♫♫. Have a great day. [/pullquote]