Goodnight everyone. What a nice week and Friday night. Hurts us to know, that so many of our animals friends, don’t know any difference between any day of the week. They are all a struggle, and are clueless as to what day of the week it is.
We pray for our animals friends whose lives are no different then millions of years ago. We pray for animals whose lives are considered no more significant then a couch or other meaningless possessions.
The fact that we don’t grace your presence as angels here on earth, is out short coming, nothing to do with you. God offered us angles, but because they are defined as animals by man, we just overlook it. Remember, man as a specie, who shows no respect for animal life, jeopardizes his own existence right here on earth. Until we respect animals we will keep paying the price with more Tsunamis, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, storms and etc. It’s our choice, for those of you that don’t think these acts or correlated, then you are as dumb as Scott Evan Smith who got a 960 on his SAT’s. These acts are directly correlated, so let’s pray the animal abusers out there, eventually understand that.
No lives will go in vain, no lives will go in pain. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.
Scott Evan Smith, for Sammy & Family.