Happy Birthday, Charlotte!


Good morning friends. Sammy & Family wants to wish our very good friend Charlotte Copeland a Happy Birthday. We wish her a lot of happiness starting right now. Today is the first days of all of our lives. Charlotte is one of those people helping animals and people behind the scenes day in and day out. She makes the world a better place, no doubt about that. ELS is very fortunate for this friendship and looks forward to even better times in the future.

We are all here to be happy, and sometimes small tweaks in our lives pay substantial dividends. And with that, Happy Birthday Charlotte, today is yours, and nobody can take that away from you.

Have a great Tuesday.

Consider Adopting a Homeless Dog or Cat

Goodnight friends. We hope everyone had a nice day. Little Patrick will lead us out tonight.

Prayers going out tonight for the millions of homeless animals and people, that line the city streets at night. So many with no place to go, struggling even for the barest of necessities. Dear God, help them.

If you have room in your home and in your heart, it’s always a perfect time to adopt a homeless dog or cat. Not only will you be saving a life, you will be embarking on one of the purest loves you will ever know. Unconditional love and unwavering loyalty await you.


No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen.

Love to all,
Jessica Lee Smith,
For Sammy & Family

Giraffes Say Goodnight

Good evening everyone. This family of Giraffe’s came to say goodnight. All for one and one for all. This land is their land, this land is our land, this land is made for us and them.

Peace & Love.

A Tribute to Flossie

FlossieGood evening friends. Tonight we look back on a special story.

This is a picture of Flossie who crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge 30 years ago. She belonged to our great friend Margaret from England. Margaret got her as a present for her 11th birthday. Till this very day, this was Margaret’s best birthday gift. Flossie was a rescue from RSPCA. Part of the protocol of the rescue center was to make sure they checked up on the dogs they adopted out. One time when the lady from RSPCA came over to check up on Flossie, she ran under the bed and hid as she did not want to leave her new home. The lady had told Margaret that was a good sign, and she knew the dog was in good hands.

This picture is when Flossie was in her elder years already. And wouldn’t you know it, she won a prize for being the oldest dog in the Wattisfield Dog Show when she was 16.

Another story Margaret shared with us was; after Flossie had been paralyzed for almost two years, one time at a family gathering, she mustered up the strength to walk over and take food off the table like nothing was wrong. It was nothing short of a miracle.

Sammy & Family wants to thank Margaret for the life she gave Flossie. She made the world a better place, one animal at a time. Thirty years later, the song remains the same, we can’t change everything, but everyone can change something.

No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.