Long Live The King

Long Live The King - Rocky

Long Live The King –

This here is Rocky in the picture. I rescued him on November 19th, 2015 in Toa Baja, Puerto Rico. He’s my little big guy. He’s little in the sense that when I found him he was only one year old. He’s big in the sense that when we play around, I usually end up with black and blue marks on my body, lol.

I guess it’s true with they say, “Love Hurts”

But folks, it’s the good kind of pain and worth every bit of it. I love Rocky like a crazy potato too. He went from a homeless, frail, sick and tick infested stray dog, to the king of the hill. He’s so regal just like a king. Isn’t he?

Day 1312 here in Puerto Rico. Day 1001 since I rescued Rocky, and day 461 since I rescued Lucky.

Scott Smith, advocate for animals around the world.

For more about Pit Bulls, https://www.consumersadvocate.org/features/pit-bulls-straight-from-the-heart

AAHA – The League of Champions


Photo Credit: AAHA

Originally published by ConsumersAdvocate.org

In 1933, the United States was reeling. It was the fourth year of the Great Depression. Unemployment stood at 25%. A new and untested president had recently moved into the White House. It was a turbulent and uncertain time.

But amazingly, during America’s darkest hours, seven leaders of the veterinary profession came together to form one of the country’s greatest organizations: the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA). It was and remains the only institution that accredits companion veterinary hospitals in the U.S. and Canada. It was built on the premise that pets deserve nothing less than the very best veterinary care.

Fast-forward to 2018. In 85 years, the country has changed in ways that were unimaginable in 1933. But AAHA has endured. Thrived. And today it is the most esteemed veterinary association in the country.

To learn about the importance of accreditation, to meet the people behind AAHA, and to discover their plans for the future, read AAHA – The League of Champions

Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday on February 27th, 2018

Happy PRL on February 27th, 2018

Good evening friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday. A day and night field with hope and possibilities. Remember, if Poppy, Rocky and Lucky can make it, anyone can.

For all of our new friends, Poppy, Rocky and Lucky are 3 of our 7 dogs. The three of them had a very tough start in life. The odds of us all ending up together were zero. But somehow, today, we’re a Wolfpack of 8 including me. Owhoooo.

OK friends, let’s kick this night with two positive notions.

1. Anytime I’m just thinking about myself, I feel agitated. Whenever I’m thinking of others, I feel purposeful. Funny how that works.

2. The reason I put animals before people, is because people can take care of both, animals cannot.

Day 1136 here in Puerto Rico, yes, 1136. Today is day 822 since we rescued Rocky, and day 286 since we rescued Lucky.

Have a great night friends.

Because sometimes you meet an angel and don’t remember your life before them.

Because sometimes you meet an angel and don’t remember your life before them

Because sometimes you meet an angel and don’t remember your life before them.

Say hello to my best friend of 43 years, Lloyd Lapidus from Florida, and his new rescue from Puerto Rico, Rocko. He’s a 4 month old Lab Mix and weighs 25 pounds. Tri-Country Humane in Florida organized the rescue.

A massive Congratulations to Rocko and the whole Lapidus family.

The odds of Rocko making it out of PR and into one of the greatest animal loving families around, were almost zero.

But as we’ve talked about before, sometimes all of the stars are aligned, and life hands you a gift that changes you forever.

Lloyd sent me many pictures that I’ll share with everyone over the next few weeks or so.

We want to thank Lloyd & Family for making the world a better place one animal at a time. Every time we rescue an animal, we create a miracle.

“I thought I rescued you. But, I think you rescued me”

Have a great night friends.

Look around once in a while

Smell the Roses

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it” — Ferris Bueller —

Day 1115 here in Puerto Rico, yes, 1115. Today is day 801, since we rescued Rocky, and day 265 since we rescued Lucky.

Have great day friends.

Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday on January 23rd, 2018

Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday on January 23rd, 2018

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember, if Poppy, Rocky and Lucky can make it anyone can.

For all our new friends, Poppy, Rocky and Lucky are 3 of our 7 dogs who had a very tough start in life. But, now they’re part of a happy Wolfpack of 7. Anytime you’re feeling a little down and defeated, think of their story to help propel you forward.

Take Poppy here in the picture as an example. In the summer of the 2013 he kept getting marked down in price at the store. Finally, I walked in there and just took him home. Now, several years later, he does the greatest rendition of 1980’s band, Devo. How great is that?

OK. Let’s kick this day off with two positive notions:

1. Anything can happen on any given day. Don’t get in your own way. Let’s good things happen to you.

2. Everyday is a great day to rescue an animal. Every time an animal is rescued a miracle  is created. If you don’t believe me, just ask the animal that was rescued and the person that rescued him or her.

Day 1101 here in Puerto Rico. Yes, 1101. Today is day 787 since we rescued Rocky, and day 251 since we rescued Lucky.

Have a great day friends.

Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday on January 15th, 2018

Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday on January 9th, 2018

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Lucky Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember, if Poppy Rocky Lucky can make it, anyone can.

For all of our new friends, Poppy, Rocky and Lucky are 3 of my 7 dogs. Nobody had the decks stacked against them more than they did.

Anytime you’re feeling a little down and defeated, think of their story to propel you forward.

OK, let’s kick this day off with two positive notions.

1. Today has a good shot of being a great day. I’m going to let that happen and not get in the way.

2. In math, two negatives can make a positive. In life, 2 negatives make more negatives. Let’s keep it positive.

Day 1094 here in Puerto Rico. Yes, day 1094. Today is day 782 since we rescued Rocky, and day 244 since we rescued Lucky.

Have a great day friends. Scott Smith from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico.

New Years – 2018

New Years - 2018

Good evening friends.

I felt very blessed today hanging with my best friend, Lucky at the tip of the Atlantic Ocean. And as such, I wanted to share that moment with my friends from around the world. I love that dog like a “Crazy Potato” if that makes any sense, lol.

My takeaway from 2017 is that I’m grateful to be alive. This could’ve easily played out differently. Thank God that it didn’t.

I’m going into 2018 asking myself two questions:

1. What are my intentions?
2. And, what actions am I taking to support those intentions?

2018 is the year of action. There is so much hope and possibility in the air, I could barely see straight. I’ll be taking a huge bite out of life this year. Come join me please.

Happy New Year friends.