The best things in life are free

The best things in life are free

Good morning friends.

Thank you for stopping by. It’s great to be alive on May 26th, 2016. Sammy and Henry love to relax and do some people watching. They have made thousands of friends over the years just by sitting back.

I once asked both of them how they meet so many people. Sammy and Henry told me that when you smile at people, its like inviting them to come say hello. And then it occurred to me, smile more and you’ll meet new people and develop new friendships.

I guess its true what they say; “The best things in life are free”

Happy Thursday friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Happy 47th birthday and day 500 in Puerto Rico

Birthday 47

Good morning friends.

Thank you for stopping by for my birthday. Yup, 47 big ones. Or said another way, I’ve been alive for 17,265 days.

I don’t really like making a big deal for my birthday other than to use it as an excuse for all of us to get together.  I apologize we did not put a video together, i have been slightly under the weather. I am on the mend now though. In a couple of days we will put a video out when I’m 100 percent.

OK, so day 500 here in Puerto Rico. And because of my birthday and this 500 day milestone,  I am going to share 3 very quick stories.

1. This one is for all the kids out there. As the summer approaches many of you will head off to sleep away camp for 7 to 8 weeks. This was a big thing in the Northeast.  As it turns out, it was actually more of parents wanting a break from their kids really. Now its true, many kids ended up really loving sleep away camp. And some of us did Not. I absolutely despised it.  If you are one of those kids who gets homesick and did not like camp, I have a no lose strategy to share with you.   Continue reading

Sunday’s have such Promise

Sunday's have such promise

Good morning friends.

Thank you for stopping by. Its great to be alive on May 22nd, 2016. Day 498 here in Puerto Rico. We hope everyone is having a nice weekend.

So this Tuesday is my birthday, which also happens to be day 500 here in Puerto Rico. We are going to try do a video for Tuesday morning. If not, we will still make it fun.  Hope to see everyone.

OK, let’s kick this Sunday off on the right foot.

The fountain of Youth is found with happiness. If we don’t know what makes us happy yet, let’s at least try to stop doing things that make us unhappy. The first step for things to get better is for them to stop getting worse.

See you tomorrow morning friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on Tuesday, May 17th, 2016

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on May 17th, 2016

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember, if the Pops and Rocky can make it, anyone can.

I love Poppy Rocky Tuesday. It reminds me that anything is possible. It really is true what they say, “Where there is a will, there’s is away”

OK, lets kick this day off with two positive notions.

1. We do the best we can with what we have. Taking anything personal is counterproductive.

2. Today has a great shot to be a good day. Let’s give today a chance.

Have a great Tuesday friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

It’s Going Around

No matter what time, day or part of the year it is, if you say to someone, “I think I have the flu”, they will respond with, “I hear it’s going around”.  So essentially the flu is going around all year at all times.

The flu is going around

Sundays are so Dreamy

Sundays are so Dreamy

Happy Sunday friends.

Vanessa and Henry came by to say hello. We hope everyone is enjoying this weekend.

Sunday is our favorite day of the week. On Sunday’s we let imagination in the door and back into our lives. On Sunday’s, we get to us again. The people we set out to be from the very beginning.

See you tomorrow friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on May 3rd, 2016

Poppy Rocky Tuesday on May 3rd, 2016

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday.  A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember, if the Pops and Rocky can make it, anyone can.

There’s a lot of zeal in the air, I can feel it.  Today has a good shot of being a great day.  Let’s give today a chance.

OK, lets kick this Tuesday off with two actionable positive notions.

1. If we did our best, that’s always good enough. From there the cards will fall where they fall. There is nothing to take personal.

2. Today is another gift. Many people that were here with us yesterday, are no longer with us. For them and us, let’s make the most of today.

Have a wonderful Tuesday friends. Day 479 here in Puerto Rico, and day 167 since we rescued Rocky. Serious stats, right ?  See you tonight friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

Kelly and the Ocean

Kelly and the Ocean

Good morning friends.

Kelly wanted to come wish everyone a wonderful Monday. Kelly is a very brave spirit. Anytime we have taken on a new dog, Kelly socializes them into the pack. Shes a real leader and knows how to keep the peace.

OK, lets kick this Monday off with actionable positive notions.

1. If we want to feel freedom, let’s not be concerned what other people think of us. Our existence is not solidified by other people acknowledging it. Let’s bring people into our lives that enhance it, not that try to define it.

2. Nobody can change everything, but everyone can change something. A random act of kindness can change people’s and animal’s lives on a dime. Hope goes a long way.

We will see you tonight friends. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.