Good News
Love Acronym
What will I trade this Day for ?
Compulsive Eating
Living versus Existing
Poppy Tuesday on January 19th, 2016

Good morning friends.
Happy Poppy Rocky Tuesday. A filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember, if Pops and Rocky can make it, anyone can. The decks were totally stacked against them. Then one day hope came shining through, and their lives and our lives changed forever.
Poppy and Rocky are so happy that they are happy about being happy. Exactly as it should be.
We have to remind ourselves to put on foot in front of the other, and Keep on Keeping on.
Let’s kick this day off with two positive notions.
1. Its not a question of “If” things will get better, its a question of “When” — So hang on.
2. If anyone is thinking of what other people think of them, you’re thinking upside down. Firstly, who cares ? Secondly, while you’re thinking about them, they’re Not thinking about you. Set yourself free. There are 6 billion people in the world. Millions of them want to be your friend.
Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 374, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.
Love and Trees
Rocky & Family on January 15th, 2016

Good morning friends.
Rocky boy and I wanted to drop and say hello. What a glorious Friday this is. Friday always seems to show up right on time. Its great to be alive today on January 15th, 2016.
I get the feeling because today is the 15th of January, a lot of people will accidentally write “2015” on the checks they issue today. Oh wait, people don’t write checks anymore, its all done online. Man am I silly boy to forget that.
OK, lets kick this Friday off on a positive note.
We need to be opened minded that Today could be a great day. When we are open minded our energy resets inviting new possibilities into our lives. Now if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, shake it off and make an effort to be an open minded. Let’s give today a chance. Nobody has the right to ruin your day unless its you yourself.
See tonight friends. Day 370 here in Puerto Rico. And its day 58 since we rescued Rocky. Don’t mess with me and my numbers, its all I got, lol. Peace and Love, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.
Powerball Winnings

Good morning friends.
I wanted to share with our friends from around the world what we will be dong with the Powerball money that we win tonight.
When we win, I am going to give most of it to animal welfare organizations around the world. The rescue operations that are really on the front lines. Over the years we have learned which organizations and groups specialize in which of the animal’s plight.
After that I am going to buy several hotels in Puerto Rico. Then I am going to throw a Ginormous ELS party within all of our hotels. We will be paying for all of our friends plane tickets. Once the party is over, I will sell all the hotels for a major loss and go back to a simple life.
My dream will always be intact. I just want to walk around the beach handing out frozen candy to complete strangers on the beach, talking about light, dumb and breezy stuff. The dumber the better.
Thanks for listing. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.