Good News
Happy Birthday Kristin on Sunday morning, January 3rd, 2016

Good morning friends.
Sammy & Family would like to say Happy Birthday to our great friend Kristin Crouch. We have the privilege of meeting her and her Husband Colin when they were visiting NYC in 2013. Great times.
We are happy to be here with everyone today on January 3rd, 2016. Day 358 here in Puerto Rico and day 46 since we rescued Rocky. Friends again I apologize, my numbers were off again this past week. I arrived in Puerto Rico on January 11th, 2015. Today is 358, I just counted again. I am sure you can all breathe now.
OK, so its Sunday morning which is a newspaper and coffee kind of morning. We love Sundays. Its the one day during the week that we let imagination in the door and back into our lives. On Sunday’s we get to be us again, the people we set out to be from the very beginning.
Happy Sunday Funday friends. See you tonight.
2016 is the year of Rocky

Good morning friends.
Day 359 here in Puerto Rico and day 44 since we rescued Rocky. I love this boy, like crazy love. He is completely trained and well behaved in the house. The only one he gets playfully wild with is me because he knows he can get away with it.
When we rescued Rocky on November 19th, 2015 he was extremely calm and well behaved. Things seem to come really easy to him. Rocky has such grace about him. We have a new video of him coming out, maybe y’all can see what I mean.
So friends, a little update on my family back home. My mother’s apartment is up for sale and she will be moving to Puerto Rico when its sold. She did just receive an offer, not sure if she takes it, but its close. The good News is there’s a beautiful house 5 houses down from Vanessa and her dad’s house (the one I love in, lol) for sale. More than likely my mother will buy that one.
As for her Jess and her kids, they will most likely be finishing the school year in NY. From there they will decide if they will move to Puerto Rico or not.
OK my friends, that is the Saturday update. As you can see Rocky wants some adventure, and he’s going to get. That’s good news for me. When he is distracted by other things, I can wrestle with him Less. My body loves those days.
OK friends. Saturday is a day of freedom. “Get busy living, or get busy dying” — Morgan Freeman —
P.S. Is Morgan Freeman God ? I feel like he is. #BruceAlmighty #EvanAlmighty
Baby Step Resolutions for 2016
Hi Friends. You can watch this message over Video below. If you prefer, you can read the text version below the Video.
Good evening friends.
Happy New Year everyone. Thank you for stopping by. Tonight’s message is called “Baby Step Resolutions” — I think this gives us a practical and realistic shot of keeping our word.
Firstly, let me share some homework I did today. This is literally pointless information but fun to know. I was curious how many times the term “Happy New Year” would be said today. Here’s what I came up with. There are 6 billion people in the world. Lets say half of them participate in the celebration. Now lets assume each person says “Happy New Year” at least 7 times today. I think thats reasonable average to assume. I myself have said it 60 times already today. Ok, here’s the math. 3 billion people, multiplied by 7 Happy New Year’s each. So today Happy New Year will be said 21 billion times. Like I said, pointless information.
So now lets go the through the Baby Step Resolutions.
1. When things are going well, sometime well is good enough. We don’t have to keep pressing the gas and doubling down.
2. When things are not going well, we have to change something in order for something to change.
3. This year I am going to make an effort to drop; “Should have, would have and could have from my vocabulary.
4. This year, If I did my best, I’m not taking anything personally.
5. If I am feeling kind of lonely, I am going to try to Not isolate. I will call someone or go for a walk, but I am not going to isolate.
6. This a great resolution for anyone to have. Bringing a pet into our homes saves lives. And in return, the pets make our lives better. That’s a win win.
7. I posted this Dr. Harp Seal quote on the platforms today, but I want to pay more attention to this in 2016. Here’s the quote; ” You Can’t have what you Do want. You Can have what you Don’t Want. And somewhere in the middle lies Happiness.” Another words, let go, just be and try to enjoy the ride. Other than ourselves, we are not in control of anything.
8. I would like to go to the gym a minimum of 2 times a week, for a maxim of 30 minutes.
9. I am personally going to try to curb the binge eating. It has to stop.
10. This is a great resolution for any day of the year; “Just because I was like that, Does Not mean I have to stay like that. Each day I get a new chance to do the right thing.
11. I am going to close on 11 because this is my lucky number. If I can have some of the joy that I had in 2015 in 2016, that will be just fine.
Happy New Year friends. God bless all of you. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.
Everything will be Alright
Jeffrey stepping up this Morning
Good morning friends.
Jeffrey decided to step up this morning and take center stage. This little man has come a long way since I arrived in January of 2015. He had been with Vanessa & her dad for about a month before I got here. Between the three of us, I believe his security and confidence has been fully restored.
Its very enriching putting lives back together, it gives people a higher sense of purpose. None of us can change everything, but everyone can change something. When I think of it in those terms, all the madness we see around the world seems less overwhelming. Not less painful but less overwhelming.
OK friends, lets kick this Wednesday off with two Positive notions.
1. “The Future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” — Eleanor Roosevelt —
2. Its none of my business what people think of me. There is a lot of freedom in understanding that. We have as much control over that as we do controlling the weather. It’s like we’ve said before, if certain people don’t like us, that’s OK, we’ll meet new people and make new friends.
Day 356 here in Puerto Rico. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.
Poppy Tuesday on December 29th, 2015

Good morning friends.
Happy Poppy Tuesday. A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. Remember if the Pops can do it, anyone can. I guess we can also say it’s Rocky Tuesday. The odds were completely stacked against him. Patrick was getting marked down in a stored for 8 straight months, and Rocky was literally living on the street.
Miracles are going on everyday. If you’re going through a lull, have faith and hang in there.
Remember what Elanor Roosevelt said; “When you feel you’ve come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on longer”
And remember one of Dr. Harp Seal’s quotes; “Everyday you wake up, you are one day closer to whats bother you, Not bothering you anymore” — Let that momentum help propel you when you feel down and out. Time will take care of it for you. Just hang in there.
OK friends, day 355 here in Puerto Rico, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.
Beach day with Sammy & Family

Good morning friends.
Sammy decided to take in a little nature at the beach. We love Sunday’s, its such a dreamy kind of day. Its a rare thing to see a 10 pound Pomeranian sitting by the beach reading a book. If I had not seen this myself I would never have believed it.
The only struggles he has reading his book is when its time to turn the page. That’s where Vanessa and I come in. We turn the pages for him, lol. By the way, don’t worry about him getting to hot with all his fur. The lounge chair and sun umbrella takes care of that.
OK, lets go back to basics about what Sunday Funday means. Sundays are a newspaper and coffee kind of morning. Its a very inquisitive kind of day. On Sunday’s we let imagination in the door and back into our lives. On Sundays, we get to be us again, the people we set out to be from the very beginning.
Day 353 here in Puerto Rico, and day 38 since we rescued Rocky (The literal underdog), Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.
The Hulk

Good morning friends.
As you can see Sammy & The Hulk have two different styles of defense. Sammy’s Strategy is to kill them with kindness. The Hulk’s strategy is just to kill them.
Together they have formed a great collaboration. They have put together a two part system. The first part is when an enemy approaches, Sammy tries to kill them with kindness. If that does Not work, The Hulk steps in. You can imagine the rest. Let quote the Hulk to give you an idea. Here’s the quote; “Don’t Make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry ”
OK friends, day 352 here in Puerto Rico, and day 37 since we rescued Rocky, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.
Christmas Eve in 2015
Hi friends. If you prefer to read this message, the text is just below the video here…. Enjoy !!
Good evening friends.
Thanks for stopping by. Happy Christmas Eve. Its funny, as soon as I say Christmas Eve, I can actually smell pine trees. In the past month we have said the word “Christmas so many times” that the dogs think its a new trigger word like the words “W-A-L-K” or “T-R-E-A-T-S — I have to spell that out because they are all sitting here and would start barking their heads off.
I remember Christmas Eve as being the most exciting night of the year. I was never able to sleep knowing I had all those presents waiting for me in the morning. I just wrote about this the other night. The only night that might have topped Christmas Eve was the night before I got my drivers license. When i turned 17 and was able to drive, I thought I was Heaven right then and there. No more of my mother dropping me at the movie theater in front all my friends and my girlfriend. Man i hated that.
OK, Day 350 here in Puerto Rico. Day 35 since we rescued Rocky on November 19th. When I look back on this year its nice to be able to say, I really had a happy year. In the past I had decades of looking back on any given year, and it always much worse at the end of the year then at the beginning. I guess that’s where the slogan; “The definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results” comes from.
Today I have a lot to be grateful for. Between Vanessa, our 6 dogs, who could Not be any happier, my father in law, and my family back home, our ELS family, only by the grace of God could this have happened. God can do for us what we can’t do for ourselves.
Friends I hope you can look back on 2015 as a happy one also. If you can’t, its not indicative of how 2016 will be. Keep Buddha’s quote in mind; “Each day we are born again, what we do today matters most”
From our family to all of your families around the world, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Signing off from Puerto Rico, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.