Sammy Balboa and Benedryl

Sammy Balboa and allergies

Good morning friends.

Happy Friday.  We all love Friday’s right ?  It’s such a Freedom-ish kind of a day and world.  We hope everyone had a nice sleep.  I have to start stock piling benadryl again sleeping with 5 dogs every night.  If you saw me in the morning you would think I went to blows with Rocky Balboa, the greatest boxer in history.

Speaking of the Rocky, I am going to watch the Original Rocky tonight for 894th time, I really believe tonight he will beat Apollo Creed this time.

OK friends, lets kick this day off  with two positive notions;

1. Stallone is the biggest legend walking the Earth right now.  How is that positive for us ?  Lets us all know, the underdog really can become the best in the world.

2. If you feel allergic, benadryl is great.  How is that positive ?  Because if you take one you won’t feel allergic anymore. You will however be sleeping within ten minutes for like two hours or something.  #WeTakeTheGoodWithTheBad.

Hey that reminds of me of that song from the 1979 show “The facts of Life”  —  ♫♫♫  You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have;  The facts of life, the facts of life  ♫♫♫

Happy Friday. Day 187 here in Puerto Rico.  God bless and have a great day.

Physical Workout Regiments can be Contagious

Physical Workout Regiments can be Contagious

Good morning friends. Looks like Vanessa’s working out regiment is starting to rub off on Henry. She leaves for the gym at 5:45 am every morning and looks who was waiting to join her today.

Problem is there are no Dogs allowed in the gym, and most certainly no Bears. Nonetheless, Henry gets an “A” for effort and intention.

Happy Wednesday.

Poppy Tuesday, a day of Hope on July 14th, 2015

Poppy Tuesday, a day of Hope

Good morning friends.

Welcome to Poppy Tuesday, a day of Hope.  Today has great possibilities written all over it.  Anytime I get in a little rut I have to remind myself the story of Poppy.  If he can do it, so can I.  Little Patrick is truly the quintessential underdog, pun intended.

OK, let’s get this day started with two positive notions;

1. The Acronym for Hope is; “Hopeful Opportunities Presented Everyday”

2. I’m going to keep and open mind, open heart and I’m going to remain focused.

With that friends, have a wonderful Poppy Tuesday.  Its great to be alive on July 14, 2015

Hello Saturday Morning, so nice to make your acquaintance

Hello Saturday, nice to make your acquaintance

Good morning friends.

Hope everyone had a nice evening.  You have to love Saturdays, they have such possibilities.  Sammy came by to wish you all a wonderful day.

As you know Vanessa works out Monday through Saturday for one hour and a half each day, today I told her I would finally join her at the gym.  Last night when i said it, I really meant it.  Unfortunately I will be rescinding that offer.  The only two things I dislike more then gyms are, libraries and showering.  Yes, showering, I absolutely hate it.  Do i shower?  yes i do.  But boy if there was an app that automatically showered for me, I would take that option everyday.  OK enough on that tangent.

Let’s kick this day off with two positive notions;

1. I am really happy to be alive on Saturday July 11th, 2015.  Today is day 181 in Puerto Rico.

2.  Doing something that makes you happy today would be a great thing to do for yourself.

See you tonight friends.  The weight of the world belongs to None of us, so travel light through your day. Sincerely, Scott Evan Smith

Friday as an acronym

Friday as an acronym

Good morning friends.  It’s great to be alive on July 10th, 2015.  Another gift given to us today.  Actually two gifts, the gift of life today and the gift of it being Friday today.  We call that a “Gift Gift”

Let’s create an acronym for Friday.  Going off the top of my head here, no Googling.  F is for fun, R is for Refreshing, I is for Inspirational, D is for Delightful, A is for Amazing and Y is for Yippee.

So altogether now;  Friday is; Fun, Refreshing , Inspirational, Delightful, Amazing, and Yippee.
Let’s kick this day off with two positive notions;

1. This is for all the people who like someone and are to nervous to approach them.  Here is the rule, you already don’t have them, so you have nothing to lose.  For example you could say something like this; ” Hi, would you like to go for candy with me or something?”

2. Today is about us, not me.  Life feels more free when you approach day from that perspective.

Signing off on the morning of 181 in Puerto Rico, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.



Terri Irwin The Ultimate Wildlife Warrior

Good morning friends.

Today’s featured story is about Terri Irwin, yes the wife of the late great Steve Irwin, the Crocodile Hunter.  As we all know Steve Irwin was tragically killed by in Stingray in 2006.  But today I want to take it back to their beginning.  You see, most of us learned about Steve and Terri Irwin from the popularity and success of their worldwide show “The Crocodile Hunter.  But the wheels of fate were in motion many years before all that.

Terri Irwin, the ultimate wildlife warrior

Terri was born in July of 1964 and grew up in Eugene Oregon with her family who was in the trucking business. During her childhood years, Terri’s dad used to pick up injured animals on the highways and bring them home to help rehabilitate them.  Needless to say compassion for wildlife was instilled in Terri from the very beginning.

Terri Irwin The Ultimate Wildlife warrior

By the time she was 22 years old, Terri was running the family business, worked  part time at an emergency veterinary hospital and operated a wildlife rehabilitation organization called  “Cougar County”  The wildlife organizations was rescuing, rehabilitating  and releasing cougars, bears, bobcats and etc.  Terri Irwin was no ordinary 22 year old, she was wearing many hats, and wearing them well.

Terri Irwin and family

Now let’s take a look at the late Steve Irwin’s earlier years.

The Irwin's family story

Stephen Robert Irwin was born on the 22nd February, 1962, in upper Fern Tree Gully, Victoria, which is about 20 miles form the main business district in Melbourne Australia.  He moved with his parents and two sisters to Beerwah, Queensland, where his folks opened the Beerwah Reptile and Fauna Park in June of 1970. Years later the Irwin’s changed the name to ” Queensland Reptile and Fauna Park” which now of course is  called The Australia Zoo. What a miraculous transition over the decades, but even with all the success the original common denominator has stood the test of time, their love and passion for wildlife.   Continue reading

Monday as an acronym

Monday as an acronym

Good evening friends.

Let’s turn Monday into an acronym so it’s not so scary.  Here we go; ” Most Opportunities Nourish Diligently, abundantly & Yearningly”   —  With that said we hope you all had a fabulous Monday.

Again, its always great to be here with all of you each night.  It truly is my favorite part of the day. This is when i feel the least lonely of my 24 hour day.  Between Vanessa, our 5 dogs, Raquel and Jorge I am really never alone, its just in my chemistry and always has been.

I have been trying to land a story on Terri Irwin (the late Crocodile Hunter’s Wife) and the Australia Zoo which is owned by the Irwin family for almost 2 months now.  I finally got the green light from them.  We are running the story on Wednesday July 8th, 2015 on “The Good News Channel”  —  Friends I know we all know the story of the late Steve Irwin and his survived wife and two kids, but The Good News Channel is going to present the Prequel to how this real life fairy tale actually happened. From there we will take you through the Family’s present life.

This story is going to knock your socks off.  While I was researching it and writing it, I kept saying to myself; “no way this really happened”  — But it did. And the Irwin family positively changed the world and wildlife conversation forever.

Ok, lets close with two positive notions;

1. Maybe today sucked, tomorrow probably will be better.  Let’s keep an open mind, we don’t give momentum to negativity, we unravel it until its positive.

2. One of Sammy & Family’s favorite quotes, not ours, but here it goes; “The world is full of nice people, if you can’t find one, Be One”

Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 176, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

We do the Best we can with what we have

We do the best we can with what we have

Good morning friends. Dr. Harp Seal was is giving a private consultation this morning over skype.  The gentleman was kind enough to share one of the highlights of his session with the good Doctor.

Dr. Harp Seal said; “We do the best we can with what we have, and should not take anything personally beyond that”  He went on to say; “If you gave your best, you’re a winner.  The universe does not care what your score is, the universe wants your best version of yourself”

Lets kick this day off with two positive notions.

1. I want to be friends with nice people that want to be friends with me.  There’s a lot of good  people out there, many  feel just like you and want to connect with you.  Keep the faith, today is another gift and might just be the best day of your life.

2. Remember, it’s not “The Good old Days”  —- It’s “The Good New Days”  —  All we have is today, and today is a new day.

Have a great Monday friends.

Scott & Sammy at the Playground

Sammy & Scott at the Playground


Good morning friends.  Happy Sunday Funday, the greatest day of the week.  The boy and I are having a little father and son fun at the playground.  We went from ride to ride and we had a blast.

I want to say these are the moment we hang on to, but I’m instead I’m going to say; “we are going to have more of these moments”

Remember friends, Sundays are the mornings we love the most. It’s the one day we let imagination in the door and back into our lives.  On Sundays, we get to be us again, the people we set out to be from the very beginning.

Sammy & Family will catch up with you all tonight.  Its great to be alive on Sunday July 5th, 2015.

Happy Independence Day friends

4th of July, 2015

Good morning friends.  A very special day for our country.  Happy 4th of July everyone.

The significance of the 4th of July is that our Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress in 1776.  The 4th of July marks the birth of the United States of America.

Lets break out in song now;  ♫♫♫

O beautiful for spacious skies,
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!

O beautiful for pilgrim feet,
Whose stern impassion’d stress
A thoroughfare for freedom beat
Across the wilderness!
America! America! God mend thine ev’ry flaw,
Confirm thy soul in self-control,
Thy liberty in law!

O beautiful for heroes proved In liberating strife,
Who more than self their country loved,
And mercy more than life!
America! America! May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness,
And ev’ry gain divine!

O Beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam,
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America! God shed His grace on thee,
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea  ♫♫♫

Have a great day friends.