Prayers for wolves in Idaho December 1, 2012

395075_537779726252228_244050097_nHi friends. Hope this weekend is going nicely for all of you. Well we can feel the Holidays in the air, despite that it’s still a few weeks away. Let’s start out praying again for those wolves in Idaho that will meet their fate as a result of this Wolf Hunt. On a personal note, I’m glad I don’t have people like these hunters in my life. It’s so inhumane to trap them like that. We ask for justice with respect to this. It’s really cold out there, makes us pray for the animals that can’t seem to find their way to shelter. We ask that they receive relief at once. To animals held in cages against their will, we remind them, they are not alone. We stand with them, their voices are heard loud and clear. Soon they shall have it better in this life or the next. As always, we pray for the animals victims of these senseless sporting events counting on their anguish and demise. What a disrespect for life. God did not put these angels in this life to be abused for our amusement. I have made plenty of mistakes in my life, and as an ex drinker, I may not know much, but doing these things to animals just can’t be in compliance with God. Just can’t be. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.
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