Prayers for Sandy Hook and Gizmo December 17, 2012

68192_545471995483001_772764035_nOur prayers remain tonight with the families of those lost, in the tragic events at Sandy Hook Elementary School, in CT. We send our love out in abundance, from all over the world. We pray for strength for these families to endure the days ahead of them. We pray that God carries them through this unimaginable pain and saves them in the light of his love. The world mourns with you. We will never forget the faces of all of these angels and those that gave their lives for them.
We go on to pray for our friend Gizmo,a 12 yr old Pomeranian who is very loved. Gizmo has just undergone her second dental surgery, because of a series of oversights on the part of her family vet. We pray that Gizmo is relieved of her pain and travels a very speedy road to recovery. It’s an important fact that many don’t realize, how serious dental infections can be. These types of things can cause great strain on the immune system and contribute to much more complicated health issues. So we pray that Gizmo is restored to full health and comfort very soon.
And to all of the animals, all over the world, abused, neglected and abandoned, you are not alone. We will continue to fight for you. No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Love, Sammy and Family
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