December 18, 2012

67318_545920755438125_172733774_nGoodnight Dear Friends. I hope everyone is relaxing at home. This has been an incredibly difficult time for the whole world watching the sadness that has befallen Sandy Hook Elementary school and those lost there. No matter how heart wrenching this is, please keep in mind how unbearable this must be for the families of these angels. We pray for those families tonight. Dear God fill them with the closeness of your light and rock them to sleep in your arms each night. These Poor people. As the saying goes, it is the natural order of life for a child to outlive their parents. It is not suppose to be the other alternative. No parent should have to endure the loss of a child, ever. Nothing can compare to that pain. We ask angels to embrace their unrest and heal their souls. And to all of the Animals, all over the world, fighting for their lives, starving and abandoned. Abused and neglected ….caged…chained and killed for sport. You are night alone. We fight for you through prayer and advocacy. You deserve all of the love that you are so used to living without. No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Love , Sammy and family.
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