Prayers for the abused and neglected December 25, 2012

734985_549485158415018_912448961_nHi friends. Merry Christmas again to everybody, and Happy Holidays for whatever it is you celebrate. Been thinking on all animals stuck in cages during these times. Must get real quiet for them, we ask they have relief in their life and taste freedom again. To all animals being neglected or abused, you are not alone, we stand with you. Only cowardly behavior would do those kind of things to sweet defenseless animals. We pray for Dogs of Dog fighting, Bears of Bear baiting, Bulls of Bullfighting, Roosters of Rooster fighting, and so on and so. Senseless sporting events, and traditions that need to fade away. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. God looks out for his angels. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.
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