Dr. Harp Seal recommends four magazines conceptually

We do the best we can with what we have

Good evening friends. I was speaking to Dr. Harp Seal over Skype tonight. We where shooting the breeze. He can be really funny when put his doctors role down. Nonetheless he told me 4 magazines he subscribes to;

1. “I don’t think about what other people think of me” — One of the most counterproductive things people can do, but still they often do.

2. “If you don’t have the guts to choose happiness you won’t have it” — You have to grab your happiness. Find out what makes you happy and grab it. It’s not like it just shows up at your door.

3. The third magazine Dr. Harp Seal subscribes to is; “I like the road less traveled” This magazine discusses people who travel roads alone because their passion is pulling them that way. Along the road they’re confused because they are on the road alone. But just because you are the only one on the road does Not mean you’re wrong. Why can’t it be that you’re the only was that is right ? It this perseverance and confidence that keeps the warrior continue to walk through the known.

4. The fourth magazine is dedicated to Dr. Harp Seal’s vision. Its called; “If they ever tell my story let them say I walked with giants, men rise and fall like the Winter wheat but these names will never die… Let them say I lived in the time of Dr. Harp Seal and Henry, The Soldier of Love”

Signing off fro Puerto Rico on day 216, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.

P.S. We get one shot at this life, you Must make it count. You Must.

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