Hello friends, hope everyone had a nice day. I wanted to start by praying for Felix, a dog, who was in a horrible car accident in Virginia a month ago. Two other dogs in car found dead. Felix was out there alone for a month before he got picked up and found a new home. It’s always nice to hear a displaced animal finds a real home. We still pray for those two dogs living in a garage out of Jacksonville Florida. We continue to make efforts to get a change for them. As always we pray for all animals being mistreated or neglected, and we remind them, we stand with them. They are not alone, their lives mean a great deal to the world. We pray for these stray dogs being randomly taken down in Egypt. We pray for the wolves that are victims of these wolf hunts that go in this country, particularly Idaho. What a tragedy to have to endure that kind of pain, not sure what these people could be thinking setting traps like that. We pray for all animal victims of these senseless sporting events counting on their anguish and demise. No animal should suffer for our amusement. As we have said before, sitting in the audience watching these events is as bad as creating the event. It’s a total disregard for life.We continue to pray for Pit Bulls with all the hardships and misunderstandings they endure. As always we pray for Harp Seals, dolphins and whales, all enduring unspeakable acts. A Huge Shout Out to the people out there making a difference for the innocent voiceless animals. I should have done more in my life for animals, my family and I will be doing that now, and from now on. Please pray for my sister’s dog Weezer, who fights for her life everyday now, and Jessica’s 3 year old son who is having some concerning health issues. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. God watches over his angels. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.