This is Gaspar.He is a labrador mix.He was Rosalina’s boyfriend.He was very abusive and disrespectful to her.Along with verbal abuse came physical abuse and because he was much bigger then her, she wouldn’t be able to fight back most of the time.She DID want to get away from him though.However she was too afraid to go to the police, because she knew he would find out and try to injure her badly before the police could even get on the case.Rosalina just didn’t want to get hurt again.She decided that perhaps she should just try to simply break up with him and that maybe he would just move on to some other female, if she was calm enough with him.He didn’t however and exclaimed that if “he couldn’t have her, nobody could.”.He was going to attack and kill her right then and there, but Tommy just so happened to be passing by.Tommy barked loudly, to draw attention to the scene and Gaspar, not wanting to be caught attacking his girlfriend, fled the scene.After this, Rosalina finally got the courage to go to the police, but every time she would head to the police station, Gaspar would intervene and try to kill her once more.She usually escaped and even when she was close to being caught, Tommy would find himself running into them again and would save her in any way possible.Gaspar finally ended his mission to kill Rosalina when Tommy confronted him for the last time.Holding Gaspar at knife-point, Tommy told him that if he went near Rosalina again, that Gaspar would face MORE then just a beating from one dog.Tommy also stated that he would have to go into hiding.The threat intimidated him.With Tommy holding a knife to him and spouting such threats, Gaspar made the assumption that Rosalina must have connections with some sort of gang which is why they are protecting her.Gaspar immediately panicked at this idea, knowing how much danger he would be in if she did.He decided that she wasn’t worth it and fled for good.It is unknown what happened to Gaspar after this.In the scenes that Gaspar is seen in, he is very rude,hot-tempered and loud-mouthed.
Gaspar’s name means “he who guards the treasure”.Gaspar also has sectoral heterochromia [The reason that a section of his eye is red.] It is also hinted by Rosalina that she never told her father about Gaspar abusing her, as she “didn’t want to get him involved.”.Wether it be for his safety or if she just thought he would possibly make matters worse for her, it isn’t clear. ©