Prayers for the animals, the people and the children February 6, 2013

560197_574804329216434_398543241_nGoodnight Sweet Friends. We hope you are all feeling well and staying warm. I want to thank everyone for your kind words and support for my precious “Weezer”. I truly feel so grateful to have the power of all of your prayers behind me. I guess this is the price of love. I’m just so lucky to be able to say that she’s my girl. There is no way of preparing for the pain of grief. I learned that 29 years ago when we lost our Dad. But I wouldn’t trade my Dad for anything and I feel the same about my “Weezer”. The pain is the price of having been blessed enough to have them in my life. For now, I’m taking it inch by inch.
We want to send prayers out this evening to all of the broken spirits in the world. The Animals, the people, the children. So many struggling everyday in so many ways. Let us always remember them and send prayers their way. Always consider what it’s like to walk in another mans shoes.
NYC is very cold at this time, especially at night. There are many that have no shelter, no warmth. We pray for them. We ask that God lead them to a safe place. We pray for the elderly who are too often discarded and dismissed by a cruel and jaded world. We can change this one by one. Let us treat the elderly as treasures, because that is what they really are. We pray for the disabled and we pray for an end to the ignorance regarding them. We are ALL equal to God. No matter what.
And to all of the animals, domestic or wild, we pray for you tonight, as we do every night. So many being abused, abandoned, used as bait for sport. God did not put these beautiful creatures on this earth to be treated this way. I remember a saying that someone said to me many years ago, like it was yesterday. “God forgives all things but for cruelty to animals and children, because these are the ones who cannot defend themselves”. I believe this to be the truth. No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Love, Sammy & family.
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