February 8, 2013

600702_141695885994738_1148685750_nThis is Bradford.He is Rosalina’s father.He is the owner of a very famous museum in Nickstun and has made a lot of money.When Rosalina was much younger, he and his wife got divorced due to his wife’s drug addiction.Bradford won sole custody of Rosalina.Rosalina is his only child and as a result, wants to give her everything she ever wants and seems to have had the potential of spoiling her to a point.Luckily, Rosalina remained selfless and knew she was not the most important dog in the world.Unlike her rotten peers, she did not become spoiled or bratty.This is due to her fathers great parenting skills and his teachings of morals.Although she isn’t the type of person to demand anything that catches her eye, if she ever did happen to want something, Bradford ALWAYS gets it for her.Bradford has also enrolled her in the best schools in Nickstun all her life.Bradford himself is a very lively dog and optimistic about most everything.However he can be seen as clueless to a certain extent as Rosalina has been able to hide many things from him.
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