Good evening friends.
How nice to be here with everyone. We hope everyone had a nice weekend. Sammy boy wanted to come say goodnight to everyone. He is still as feisty as ever, he loves to chase that leash. Sammy has no idea that he’s 10 years old. He just exists in a happy state.
People are different of course with a lot more going on then a dog, no doubt about that. But as i have written recently we focus way too much on our age number. The only one that determines how we feel about our age is us. Let me describe my age from my perspective. I could care less about being 45, you could tell me I’m 20, or you can tell me I’m 70, what I will tell you is I will feel the same way about myself at any point on the timeline of life. Good, bad or indifferent, my thoughts will not be governed by any age stereotype.
Now why would I say that ? Because I’m living proof that if you become happy, or happier, you’ll feel as young as you’ve ever wanted to feel. As i am getting older and older in life terms, I am getting younger and younger in happiness terms.
Let’s keep it simple like Sammy. He just exists in a happy state.
Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 99, Dr. Harp Seal for Sammy & Family.