Good evening friends.
Thank you for stopping by. It’s always a privilege connecting with people from all over the world. It wasn’t too long ago that we only knew our neighbors on our streets, or the cul de sacs we lived on.
Today, the world is my neighborhood. Said another way, I can say hello to people in Australia, Germany, the Philippines and Brazil faster than I can cross the street and say “Good Morning” to my neighbors here in Puerto Rico.
I want to start out with a fun statistic, then some Baby Step New Year’s Resolutions for 2017, and then prayers for our fallen heroes and loved ones this year.
OK, let’s kick a fun statistic around. How many times do you think “Happy New Year” will be said in the next 24 hours ? — Let’s break that down.
There are 7 billion people in the world. Let’s say half the world celebrates New Year’s Eve. That is 3.5 billion people. Now lets assume many of them could care less what night of the year it is and many of them are too young to know what night of the year it is. So let’s cut 3.5 billion in half. That takes us down to 1.75 billion people that will participate New Years Eve tonight.
Let’s say that the 1.75 billion people say “Happy New Year” at least 20 times today, which includes the in person “Happy New Year”s, and the on social media “Happy New Year”s. So now we take the 1.75 billion people multiplied by 20 “Happy New Year”s a day, each, and we got a total of 35 billion times “Happy New Year” will be said today. Now is that pointless information or what ?, but still fun, right ?
OK. now, Baby Step New Year’s Resolutions. These are realistic resolutions we can all stick to.
1. When things are going well, sometimes well is good enough. We don’t have to keep pressing the gas and doubling down.
2. When things are not going well, we have to change something in order for something to change.
3. This year I’m going to make an effort to drop, “Should have, would have, and could have” from my vocabulary.
4. This year, if I did not my best, I’m not taking anything personally.
5. If I am feeling kind of lonely, I’m going to try not to isolate. I will call someone or go for a walk, but I am not going to isolate.
6. This is a great resolution for anyone to have, bringing a pet into our homes, saves lives. And in return, they make our lives better. That’s a win win. We like those.
7. Sometimes in life we can’t have what we do want and we can have what we don’t want. And somewhere in the middle lies happiness. Another words, let go, just be and try to enjoy the ride. Other than ourselves, we are not in control of anything.
8. I would like to go to the gym a minimum of two times a week, for a maximum of 30 minutes. I think that’s reasonable.
9. I am personally going to try to curb the binge eating. It has to stop and it must stop now.
10. This is the last one. This is a great resolution for any day of the year. “Just because I was like that, does Not mean I have to stay like that. Each day I get a new change to do the right thing.”
OK, Now we’re going to pay tribute to our lost heroes and personal loved ones.
Sammy & Family pays our respects and sends our prayers to Muhammad Ali, the greatest of all time. David Bowie, who showed us how to walk the talk decades before mainstream caught on. Prince, one of the greatest artists of all time and a very kind man. Gene Wilder, a brilliant comedian who was as down to earth as they come. George Michael, one of the world’s brightest starts. He was such a light in world that is so often dark. Carrie Fisher and her Mother, Debbie Reynolds, two incredible women characteristically, artistically and as role models for women around the world.
My family I and would also like to pay tribute and pray for my sister Terri, who passed away on August 10th at 55 years old. My father in law, Jorge, who passed away on April 24th and to my best friend’s mother, Leslie, she passed on September 22nd.
If any year has reminded me that everyday is a gift, good, bad or indifferent, it’s a gift, 2016 was that year. Remember folks, in the end, nobody lives forever. So we owe to our lost loved ones, our heroes and to ourselves to take a bite out of life while we can and while we’re here.
My father said to me before he died in 1984, at 46 years old, “Stare fear in the face and it will disappear. Fear is an illusion, he said. It’s like the clouds in the sky, they may scare you for a moment, but once you get over that, you blow right through them.
No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.
Happy New Year, Friends. Signing off from Puerto Rico on day 721. Love you all.