If it makes you Poppy, it can’t be that bad

If it makes you Poppy, it cant be that bad

Good morning friends.

Happy Poppy Tuesday.  A day filled with Hope and Possibilities. It’s great to be here with everyone on October 6th, 2015.  Today has a shot of being a really great day. Remember the Golden Rule on “Poppy Tuesdays”  — “If the Pops can do it, anyone can”

Just on a side note, because the Pops had such a rough start in life, I let him get away with anything.  He eats on the dinner table staring at me to stop eating so he can finish my plate.  When i drink water, he want to drink from the same glass.  The Pops officially does not drink out of the bowl with the rest of the gang.  And not to gross anyone out, he pees on our pillows and blanket twice a week. But we just wash everything and move one.  I probably should Not have written that, but there is no backspacing now.

OK, lets kick this Poppy Tuesday off with four Positive Notions;

1. It’s not personal, its just life, surf accordingly. Some very smart people told me once; “Its life on life’s terms”  — Not Scott’s terms, life’s terms.  Another thing that took me 30 plus years to learn.

2. In the words of Sheryl Crow, or in the singing of Sheryl Crow I should say; “♫♫♫ If it makes you Poppy, it can’t be that bad ♫♫♫

3. There are tons of people out there, if some don’t want to be our friends, that’s OK, we’ll meet other people that do.  That’s called swimming with the tide. I don’t need to be right, I just want to be happy.  Resistance causes conflicts for me, no thanks.

4. Let’s resort back to the old Chinese Proverb; “If you fall down 7 times, get up 8 times.

Have a great day friends.  Day 269 here in Puerto Rico.

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