Goodnight Dear Friends. The week begins again tomorrow. Let’s make it a good one. Let’s look at each day as a new opportunity for change in our own lives, as well as the happiness we can bring to others. Random acts of kindness always feel good for the person giving and you can add to the beauty of the world by doing so. Let us never forgot that each person has a path and a journey on this earth, and each comes with trials and tribulations. No one is immune. Let us always keep that in mind in our daily dealings and treatment of others. We pray for the forgotten. People and animals suffering, deserving of a better life. Deserving love, but struggling to live without it every day. We pray for the abused , the neglected and the abandoned. We pray for those that have lost hope and need Gods light to shine on them, to show them a way out. We pray for the disabled, the elderly, the addicted and the mentally ill. We pray for the animals whose lives are taken so ruthlessly , for sport and recreation. We pray for a better world where there can be peace between people of all nations and backrounds, and all living beings can live in freedom and equality. Special prayers going out tonight for a very special and beloved puppy, named Rosie. Rosie was 2 years old and was a very sweet and loving companion, to her adoring Parents, Heather and Rusty. Rusty is overseas serving our country. Because of circumstances, Rosie was being cared for by a family until her Mom could get into an apartment. She was so excited to pick up Rosie and move her into their new home. The day before Heather was to arrive, in a tragic turn of events, Rosie was struck and killed by a car after getting out of the yard where she was staying. Her family is devastated. Please keep them in your prayers and God bless Rosie who is truly an angel. Special prayer out as well, for a Pit Bull in San Antonio, named Janna. Found in a vet’s parking lot with lacerations to her throat from a machete, Janna is fighting for her life. There was another dog found the same way, who did not survive. We pray for the strength of this defenseless creature, who deserved so much more in this life. And to all of the animals, all over the world, treated in these horrific ways, you are not alone. We pray for you. No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Love, Sammy and Family.
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