Prayers for Ivan’s cat and a pit bull named Janna January 15, 2013

582393_560063910690476_879666201_nHello there. It’s quite cold outside tonight. Hope everyone had a nice day and is somewhere warm. Tonight we start out praying for our friend Ivan’s cat that returned after two days missing, and has not quite been herself. We ask for a quick return to normalcy. We go on to pray for a Pit Bull named Janna out of San Antonio, who was left in the parking lot of a Vet’s office with lacerations to her throat. There have been several cases like this right around there. We Pray Janna’s health is restored and then finds a home for a perfect life being the perfect creature that she is. Once again, we take notice what goes on with these Pit Bulls, it is unspeakable how they are treated. I truly hope the authorities find the culprits and deal with them physically versus lawfully. Yes, that is exactly what I said, I truly hope for that. As always, we pray for all animals, who find themselves in harms way to no fault of their own, and ask that they find peace and safety immediately. We pray for the animal victims of these senseless sporting events counting on their anguish and inevitable demise. God did not put these Godly creatures in this life to suffer for our amusement, oh no, he did not. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. God watches over his angles. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.
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