Prayers for Teddy January 24, 2013

1185_564650500231817_1860618761_n-1Hi there. Want to start out praying for Teddy, a 14 year old male dog, I believe to be a Pomeranian, sorry Rose, I might have missed that. This little guy is having some health problems right now, we ask for a quick recovery. Teddy was saved 2 years ago by a family and is loved very much. He had an unspeakable life until then. This is a true turn around story here. This little soldier has been through enough, we will keep him in forefront of our thoughts. Well again, it is brutally cold out there in certain parts of the world, makes us think of all the animals doing they best they can. We sure hope and pray they find better times and comfort. It such a gift to have these animals on this earth, they experience way to much pain. To the animal victims of these senseless sporting events counting on their anguish and demise, we will never stop praying for you. God did not put them in this life to suffer for our amusement. Calling any of those events a tradition is offensive, completely offensive. No lives will go in pain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.
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