Prayers for Lola January 25, 2013

528906_565211230175744_1261048119_nHi friends. Hope everyone’s week went well. I wanted to start our praying for a Pit Bull caught up in a legal conflict that may take her life. Dog’s name is Lola out of Puerto Rico. She accidentally jumped the fence into the neighbor’s yard, this person decided to call the police, and now this dog’s life is in the hands of the courts decision. Once again, Pit Bulls can’t even make an innocent mistake, guilty before proven innocent with this breed. Such a sad commentary on society, these dogs are so smart and sweet when treated well. Just like any other specie or humans themselves. As I have said before, starve me, kick me around, and make me run endlessly tied to a treadmill, I will become very violent as well. I hope this neighbor feels proud of themselves. We ask God that this Lola be returned to her owner immediately. Moving on, to disgusted to talk more on that. Well the coldness is pretty relentless right now, we continue to pray for our little soldiers (animals) trying their best out there. We pray they find easier paths as they so very deserve. To all animals being mistreated or neglected, we pray you relief starting this second. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Love Sammy & Family.
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