Prayers for those in need of a home January 9, 2013

13824_557177557645778_2127494681_nGoodnight Dear Friends. We hope this evening finds you well and that you are somewhere smiling and relaxing. It’s very cold out there. The weather is so unpredictable this time of year, so some nights are colder than others. We pray for all those in need of a home, a warm place to sleep and safety. Wether it be animals or people, we all deserve to be cherished and to call someplace “Home”. God Bless those that feel forgotten, the abandoned animals, the broken hearted and the beaten. God did not bring any of his beings here to suffer.God watches over his angels, always. Special Prayers going out tonight for our friend Ace. Ace is a beautiful Horse who is a beloved member of a happy family. He suffers from an illness that is comparative to MS in people, called EPM. He is 8 years old and has been fighting this condition since he was only 2. EPM is very painful and eventually causes paralysis on it’s victims. But Ace is from a family of fighters and he has given this his best fight. There is nothing that this angel has not endured, but the result of the treatment, was not what was hoped for. Ace has been responding less and less. We pray for the strength of his family and for Ace to be granted a miracle, so that he can be free of pain and struggle. More prayers going out tonight for our friend, 18yr old , Hammond, who left on his way to Rainbow Bridge today. He will be deeply missed and was very much loved. He has been granted his angel wings and is young again. God Bless you, Hammond.Prayers going out as well, for 15 year old , Ebony the cat. Ebony’s health has been declining and her loved ones are faced with the very painful decision of whether or not to help her on her way to the other side, and set her free from her pain. Her family loves her purely and fully, and are taking it minute by minute. The ultimate decision will be made, according to what is best for Ebony. And to all of the animals, abused, abandoned and neglected: You are not alone. We are with you. No lives will go in vain. No pain will go unnoticed. Amen. Love, Sammy and Family
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