Jeffrey & Family came to say goodnight on June 3rd, 2015

Jeffrey & Family came to say goodnight

Good evening friends.  Nice to be here with everyone.  Sweet Jeffrey came to say goodnight.  We hope everyone had a nice day today.  If you did not, don’t take it personal, you’ll get em tomorrow.  Keep it simple, a great night sleep really goes a long way.

OK, I am going to dinner with the wifey, which means we are going to the mall which is the only thing to do in Puerto Rico, lol.   Kind of like Florida but in the Caribbean.   But remember, its like they say; ‘Home is where the heart is” — and my heart is in Puerto Rico.

I would like to make a joke, I hope it is not in poor taste, if it is, please speak up and I will take it down.  OK here it is, between, Dr. Harp Seal, Carlos Rodriugez, Scott Smith, Patrick Smith and the Social Media Kid, I feel like I’m the male version of Sybil in the 21st Century.  I know, I know, might have been politically incorrect.  And no, I’m not making fun of Schizophrenics, it was just a little cross referencing.

Let’s close with two positive notions to east into the evening.

1. Today happened, good or bad I don’t need to re-live it in my mind.  What I need to do is live the rest of this evening in real life, not in my head.

2.  Stay focused, fear is an illusion.  Stay the course and you will reach your destination.  I hope for everyone’s sake your destination is to Happyville.  All the rest is bull_hit.   Pardon my French.

Singing off from Puerto Rico on day 143, Scott Smith for Sammy & Family.

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