Thank you for the birthday wishes March 14, 2013

313449_592059660824234_705832271_nGoodnight friends. Thanks for all the birthday wishes. Birthday or no birthday, we can’t help but to think how our animal friends are doing out there. We pray for the animals being mistreated or neglected, and we remind them, they are not alone. Their lives mean a great deal to us, we know they deserve better. As always we pray for the animal victims of these senseless sporting events counting on their anguish and inevitable demise. God did not put these creatures in this life to suffer for our amusement. To the animals kept in cages against their will, we keep them in the forefront of our thoughts. It must be easy to feel broken in a life like that. They deserve much better then that. We hear their voices and carry it with ours, there pain is our pain. We pray they get relief immediately. Never to forget the Pit Bulls out there put in harms way, so sad to see such incredible creatures disregarded like that. We pray for our friends the Harp Seals, dolphins, whales and all they endure. No lives will go in vain, no pain will go unnoticed. God watches over his angels. Amen. Love Sammy & Family
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