Prayers for the animals in China November 8, 2012

602_527392587290942_78310548_nAs always we pray for all the animals out there who deserve a better life than they are living now. Abused, neglected, abandoned and caged against their will. God did not put them on earth to be treated this way. May they all be blessed with the lives and love that they so deeply deserve. We also pray for the animals in China especially bears on bear farms in China. I just found out more about what is done to them today after reading an article. Also prayers going out to the animals on fur farms and industrial meat farms in China. If you find the time ,please read about it. I also want to mention that one of you reached out to us yesterday about prayers for a lost dog as a result of the Hurricane. Please message us on Sammy’s page so we can make sure to include it tomorrow. We are so sorry that we somehow cannot find that message. We continue to pray for those still suffering the after effects of hurricane Sandy. May God watch over all those who need him most. Amen. Love, Sammy & Family.
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