Prayers for the 14 yr old Pakistani girl October 11, 2012
Hello everybody. Many prayers going out tonight. Please take a few minutes as its the animals and people we pray for that have the hardship. We pray for this 14 year old Pakistan girl who is fighiting for her life after standing up for women’s rights for education. This girl’s courage was unprecedented and her message was heard around the world and will never be forgotten. We go on to pray for a 23 year old Sea Otter who was affected by Exxon Valdez oil spill who lost her life just yesterday, she is in a better place now, no more suffering. We say prayers for two dogs, Rudy & Abby who are faced with some health challenges at the moment, we ask for a speedy recovery. We also pray for our friend Jean’s dog Zoe, we ask for a quick recovery for her as well. As always we continue to pray for dogs of dog fighting, Bulls of Bullfighting and Harp Seals. We close with prayers for all animals whose spirits are being tested and we remind them we are with them. No lives will go in Vain, no pain will go unnoticed, no voices will go unheard. Amen. Love, Sammy