Prayers for Lucia October 13, 2012

375777_514708701892664_869152963_nGoodnight friends. Tonight we pray for Lucia who had an unfortunate accident yesterday. We pray with the family of Jessica Ridgeway. We go on to pray for Kabang, the heroic dog out of the Philippines again, who went onto have puppies, we wish them a blessed life. We will keep Kabang in our thoughts and hope any medical challenges she may have, will leave her quickly. Somebody reached out to us and mentioned a friend of theirs but the messaged was deleted. If you still want us to include your fallen friend in our prayers, please message us again. Again, we pray for animals all over the world whose spirits are being tested and we remind them they are now alone. They all deserve better. No lives will go in vain and no pain will go unnoticed. God is watching over his challenged angels. To all the night owl people out there, don’t text and drive and don’t drink and drive. Amen. Love, Sammy
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